Town of Manlius Cemeteries
Onondaga County, NY
Submitted by Sue Goodfellow of The Manlius Historical Society
Lot 34 Old St. Mary's Cemetery, North Minoa, southwest corner Schepp's Corners Rd. and Kirkville Rd. burials from about 1830 to 1880. Original church was on the southeast corner.
Lot 35 New St. Mary's Cemetery, Minoa, first burial June 26, 1867
Lot 35 New Village Cemetery, Minoa, operated by Minoa Methodist Church. Records are with Mark Hauser, 503 Ferndale Lane, Minoa. (315) 656-3865.
Lot 35 Shoemaker Cemetery, Minoa
Lot 35 Karker Family Cemetery, Northeast of Minoa
Lot 38-9 Near Pools Brook School, bodies taken up in 1847 . West side of Pools Brook Road, south of Andrus Road. Site used for school house about 1880.
Lot 44 Chase Family Cemetery
Lot 45 Manlius Center Cemetery, northwest of village, south side of Rt. 290, east of Burdick Street
Lot 45 Clements Family Cemetery, 1/2 mile north of Manlius Center Cemetery. Gravestones obliterated 1962. It is believed that this was the family cemetery of S. Clement who owned the property.
Lot 48 Huntley Farm Cemetery, north of Hartsville
Lot 48 Kirkville Cemetery
Lot 59 Hartsville Cemetery, Mycenae North of Route 5, quarter of a mile west of Onondaga-Madison county line. Stones tumbled in and unreadable in 1960.
Lot 75 Kinne Cemetery, Route #5, Fayetteville
Lot 85 Highbridge Cemetery, No longer in existence. East side of Limestone Creek, near Route 92 and the suplur springs.
Lot 88 South Eagle Village Cemetery (no listing on file)
Lot 88 Eagle Village Cemetery, 8475 Seneca Turnpike
Lot 59 Mycenae Cemetery, Rt. #5 and Gulf Rd.
Lot 75 Fayetteville Village Cemetery, south Manlius Street
Lot 66 Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Rt. #5 east of Kinne Cemetery (315) 637-9846
Lot 77 Breed Cemetery, now known as Dry Hill Cemetery. Salt Springs & Duguid Roads
Lot 87 Manlius Village Cemetery, East Seneca Street
Lot 87, Manlius Village Cremation Garden, East side of Military Drive
Lot 87 Christ Church Cemetery, behind the Manlius Village Cemetery
Lot 16 North Manlius Cemetery (Madison Co.) will remove from list.
Lot 53, St. Michael's Orthodox Cemetery, Bowman Road, Fremont. Founded in 1941 as St. Michael's Carpatho Russian Orthodox Cemetery. Operated by St. Michael's Orthodox Church, P.O. Box 125, Syracuse. Father John Chupeck, 133 Stolp Ave., Syracuse 13207 had records. (315) 474-7049 (because of the newness of this cemetery, we will not be furnishing a list at this time).
UPDATED 30 March 1997