Obil Fellows - Patriot

Submitted by Pamela Priest

Source:  Syracuse Post-Standard Pictorial,  Sunday, November 8, 1959, pp. 23-24
'Obil Fellows - Patriot, By Walter Carroll, Photos by H. J. Borzner
Post-Standard Newspaper Archives, Accessed 22 June 2005

If your name is Fellows and your ancestors were natives of Onondaga County it is barely possible that your great-great-grandfather was Obil Fellows, who fought in the Revolution, was a prisoner of the British and is buried in a little myrtle-covered cemetery by a country road outside Marcellus.

The late W. M. Beauchamp, a tireless historian of the region, had not been able to find the grave of Obil and listed the cemetery in which he is buried as ruined.  The Revolutionary record of Obil was not listed by Beauchamp.  Recently two Post-Standard reporters found the cemetery and made a rough map of it for the Onondaga Historical Association.  In the center of the graveyard was the headstone of Obil and his wife, Lois Plant.

Historical Association records show that Obil Fellows was born in Canaan, Conn., in 1742 and died in Marcellus March 15, 1809.  Lois Plant was born in Branford, Conn., in 1749.  She married Obil in 1768 in Branford and died in Marcellus April 21, 1833.  Obil and his wife came to Marcellus in the winter of 1802.

Obil was in Col. Charles Burrell's Regiment and Capt. Charles Stevens' Company.  He was at Camp Independence Nov. 21, 1776, and was a prisoner at Cedars in Canada.

Obil's children were Phileman, James, Ephraim, David D., Cyrus, Mary Ann, Ursula and Sarah. 

Other names on stones in the cemetery are Rosier, Griffin, Bronson, Cash, Roys and Way.



Click here for John Curtin's Fellows Cemetery list



Submitted 22 June 2005