Town of Dewitt

Submitted by Kathy Crowell & Maggie Davison

These cemeteries are located about 1/2 mile east of the village of Jamesville on the south side of Rte. 173.  Avery (or Jamesville Cemetery) abuts Walnut Grove at the latter's west line.  Avery cemetery was purchased in 1875 by Chapman W. Avery, incorporated 1910 and presented to Jamesville Cemetery by H. C. and T. M. Avery in memory of their father and mother, C. W. & Emeline A. Avery, on 5/1/1910.  A west addition to Jamesville Cemetery was presented by Timothy M. Avery in memory of his wife, Carrie L. VanAlstine, on 6/15/1914.

Completed April 20, 1998 by Kathy Crowell (LCrow10101@aol.com) with Maggie Davison.

Contact:  John Tily for burial records, Walnut Grove Cemetery 315 492-0612.  Record keeper for Jamesville Cemetery is Pete Paul 315 469-0294.

The following epitaphs appeared in the "Weekly Recorder," 8/1/1889.  The information on the Lucy Davis monument and some dates on others buried here is not found in the main list.


A  short distance east of Jamesville, on the road leading to Manlius, is  a very pretty cemetery.  It contains about two acres of land.  Numerous handsome  monuments  are found in it, and there are other stones upon which during  the  fleeting  years  the  mosses  have grown, and whose once white marble  faces have become worn and colored by the storms and suns of scores of  years.   The  cemetery  is divided into two parts, the old and the new.  The old tract contains about an acre of land and is quite thickly studded with  green  mounds.  In this may be found some tombstones the inscriptions upon  which  are interesting to the younger generation, and which recall to the  minds of those still living, who saw the country in its earlier days, the  visions  of  childhood's playful scenes and the faces of friends whose abode is now in the spirit-land.

The  visitor  to this cemetery finds upon one-half of a double marble stone  the  inscription,  "Sacred  to the memory of Dr. David Holbrook, who died  Nov. 29, 1832, AE 72 years."  Dr. Holbrook, it will be remembered, was  the  first  physician  in Jamesville, coming here in 1791.  Lucy Davis died  in 1808, aged 25 years, and the stone erected over her grave bears the words,  "When  you  read  this  consider  where you must shortly lie."  Another  stone is, "In memory of Stephen Hungerford, who died June the 10th 1814, aged 71 years".  It also says,

                                       "Death conquers all the sons of men.
                                        Few reach three score years and ten.
                                        Though here and there you one may trace,
                                        Let none presume "twill be their case."
Another  old  stone  is, "In memory of Margery Gay, wife of Joel Gay, who  died Nov. 20, 1816, in the 53 year of her age."  Cut upon its face are the lines,
                                            "Depart my friends dry up your tears.
                                             Here I must lie till Christ appears."
By the side of Mrs. Gay lies her husband, Joel Gay, "Who died July 13, 1821 in the 75th  year of his age," and upon the stone that marks his resting place is the verse:
                                                         "Death is a debt
                                                          To nature due,
                                                         Which I have paid
                                                         And so must you."
The  same  lines  appear upon a stone under which sleeps "Mr. Matthew Willcox,  who died  Nov.  2nd, 1833, AE 87 y."  By the side of Mr. Willcox lies  his  wife "Rachel, who died Dec. 13th, 1818, aged 57 years."  Another interesting  verse  is  that  upon  the stone erected above "Polly, wife of  John White, died Aug. 20, 1849 AE 54 years, 7 ms. and 2 days."
                                            "Lo! where this marble weeps,
                                             A friend, a wife, a mother sleeps,
                                             A heart within whose sacred cell
                                             The peaceful virtues loved to dwell.
                                             Affection warm and love sincere
                                             And soft humanity were there."
On  still  another  where  lies  "Margaret  Jane,  wife  of Thomas G. Sinclair, died June 24, 1855, AE 25 yrs, l mo. and l day" is the verse
                         "Thou hast left us, dearest spirit, and left us all alone.
                          But thou thyself to glory, and liberty have flown;
                          And the song that tells thy virtue, and mourns thy early doom,
                          Should be gentle as thy happy death and silent as thy tomb."
One  marble  slab  is "In memory of David C. Smith, who was instantly killed  by  the  falling  of  a  tree, March 27, 1807, aged 30 years."  "He served  in  the capacity of artilleryman in the Revolution, and died in the faith  of  the  Gospel of Christ" is the information conveyed by the marble which also says, "Thomas Dixon, died April 2, 1850, AE 91 years."
Of  the cemetery one part is owned by an association, and the other by H.C.  Avery,  who  bought  it of his father, C.W. Avery, about twelve years ago.   Mr.  C.W. Avery bought the land about sixteen years ago, and at once began  converting  it  into a cemetery.  It is at present under the care of  T.M.  Avery,  and  it  is  kept  in  excellent condition.  The grass is cut close,  the hedges are always well trimmed, and nothing is permitted to mar the  beauty  of  this  resting  place  of  the dead.  The other part of the cemetery  is  owned  by  an  association  and contains about one and a half acres  of  land.   It  was  started  about  three  years ago and at present contains  but  few  graves.   It  has not yet been materially improved, but plans to do so have been for some time under consideration.

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H - O
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Additional Names

Old Section, Walnut Grove Cemetery
Photo from Kathy Crowell

Avery Cemetery
Photo from Kathy Crowell

View overlooking Avery and Walnut Grove Cemetery
Photo from Kathy Crowell

Submitted 1 May 1998
Updated 1 October 1998