1800 list by H. C. Durston, Official Historian, Village of Manlius

The total population of the Town of Manlius, (which then included DeWitt and part of what is now Syracuse) was 980, according to the returns of the US Census for 1800. Of these, less than 200 were listed by name as heads of families or households.

(Printed in the Thrift-News May 26, 1938)

Manlius Village

Bachus, Elisha, Jr.
Bingham, Luther
Campbell, Daniel (possible Fayetteville)
Cobb, Jacob (Jabez?)
Cunningham, John
DeLaney, John
Dygert (see Tygert)
Fox, Levi
Livingston, Molborne (if Malcolm)
Lovejoy, Theodor
Lower, Conrad
Lower, Conrad Jr.
Lower, John
Marsh, Allen (if Marsh, Alvan)
Mulhullen, Daniel (if Mulholland)
Phillips, Elijah
Phillips, Nicholas
Pratt, Cobb (if Caleb)
Rawpool, John (if Rapplyea)
Sales, William (if Sayles)
Smith, John
Stephens, Phineas
Sweeting, John
Terrell, Jacob (if Tyrrell)
Tygert, Henry (if Dygert)
VanSlicke, James (if VanSlyke, possible DeWitt)
Williams, Joseph
Wood, Aaron
Worden, Walter, Jr.(later Fayetteville)

Eagle Village

Most of the following, and probably all of them, lived in the Eagle Village section:

Bennet, Daniel
Chesebrook, Jesse
Edwards, Samuel
Foster, James
Foster, Lebbeus
Gates, Zephaniah
Gridley, Clement
Gridley, Elijah
Gridley, Jabez
Hall, Lemuel
Merriman, Charles
Norton, Elijah
Peck, Reuben (Peck's Hill)
Sales, William (if Sayles, Deep Spring)
Sherman, Samuel
Stilwell, Elias
Ward, Levi
Williams, Job
Woodward, Reuben (if Woodard)


I place the following near High Bridge:

Balsley, Jacob
Balsley, John
Balsley, Peter
Huntly, William (or Satan's Kingdom)(Huntley)

Jamesville then called Sinai, incl Morehouse Flats

Holebrook, David (if Dr. Holbrook)
Jackson, Jeremiah
Keeler, Coleman I.
Keeler, Elijah
McKee, William
Morehouse, Benjamin
Olmsted, David
Owings, Oliver (if Owen)
Rust, Elijah
Rust, Samuel


Those believed to have lived in or near Fayetteville

Breed, Allen
Breed, Gershom
Campbell, Daniel(possible Manlius)
Goodfellow, Ichabod
Goodfellow, Timothy
Huntly, Jasper(Huntley)
Huntly, William(or Highbridge)(Huntley)
Jones, John
Kenny, Cyrus (if Kinne)
Kenney, Ethel
Kenney, Ezra
Kenny, Zacharias
Knolton, Joshua ( Knowlton)
Mony, Barnet (if Mooney, Dry Hill)
Roberts, John (Dry Hill)
Whiting, Melzar
Worden, Walter
York, Jabez (if Jabish)

Town of DeWitt

In the present Town of DeWitt, exclusive of Sinai:

Adams, Ahijah (Salt Springs Rd.)
Balsley, Andrew
Blake, Freelove
Brace, Ebenezer
Briton, John
Cobb, Isaac
Hysor, John (Woodchuck Hill)
Gates, Joshua
Kenny, Prentice (Salt Springs Rd)
Luddington, Jeremiah
Miller, Cad (orville)
Reel, Christian (Woodchuck Hill)
Reel, Christian, Jr. (Woodchuck Hill)
Sweeting, Lewis Jr.
Thompson, Andrew (Orville)
VanSlicke, James (if VanSlyke, may have been Manlius)
Whybern, John (if Wybern)
Young, John Jr. (Orville)
Young, Joseph (Orville)


Near Minoa

Bettenger, Philip
Bettenger, Philip, Jr.
Chase, Nathan
Damoth, Marks
Damoth, Richard

Manlius Center

Near Manlius Center
Huntly, William (Satan's Kingdom or posibly Highbridge)
Kimball, Daniel
Williams, William (possible Salina)

North Manlius(near)

Burnet, Robert(Burnett)
Eaton, Aaron

The following are a list unaccounted for:

Banchroft, Stephen
Bancroft, Jesse
Barden, Abram
Barnham, Thomas
Biseham, Henry
Blair, William(Blain)
Brown, John
Brown, John Jr.
Chase, Stephen
Clark, Richard
Cheney, Benj.
Conrad, John
Crandal, John
Crownhart, George
Crownhart, Geo. Jr.
Culver, William(Salina?)
Darby, William
Dutcher, Henry
Eaton, Asol
Eaton, Eleazer
Eggar, Eghart
Fealte, Benejah
Ferrer, John
Forbes, John G.(Salina?)
Foster, Jonathan
Garretson, Hartshorn
Gates, Joshua(DeWitt?)
Green, Nathan
Gridly, Jabez
Gridly, James(buried in Oran)
Halstead, Ezekial
Hartwell, Ephriam
Hartwell, William
Haskins, Daniel
Haskins, Lemuel
Herrick, Reuben
Hilts, Loring
Hopkinson, Caleb
Hotchkiss, John
House, George
Hubbard, Nathan
Huntley, Ezra
Huntley, Timothy
Huntly, Ira(Huntley)
Johnson, John
Keeler, Daniel
Kimball, Daniel
Kronchrite, James(Konchrite)
Lesslet, Charles
Lewis, Nathan
Lothrop, Azariah
Loveless, George
Lynn, John
Mahew, Lemuel
Mallery, Burr
McInburgh, Elihu
Merriman, Benoni
Mony, Barnet (if not Mooney)
Norton, Phineas
Patten, Thadeus(Thaddeus)
Philmore, Cyrus
Platt, Stephen
Pratt, Cobb (if not Caleb)
Rawpool, John(if not Rapplyea)
Reed, Elijah
Roberts, John (member of Episcopal church in Manlius 1805)
Robinson, Benjamin
Rogers, James
Root, Noah
Row, David
Rust, Azel
Sherman, Jenkinns
Skinner, Zacharias
Smith, George
Smith, Samuel(Salina?)
Sparlin, Richard
Spence, Nathan(Spencer)
Starks, Abel
Terrell, Jacob(if not Tyrrell)
Tom, (negro)
Tuft, William
Turner, John
VanVleck, Garret(Salina?)
Whybern, John (if not Wybern)
Williams, Helemus
Williams, Stephen
Woodward, Reuben

23 June 1997