The Episcopalians of Manlius can rightfully claim the first church building, but the Baptists of Fayetteville were holding meetings in homes as early as 1792-93. The earliest record we have of that congregation is 1798. A copy of the meeting is enclosed, copied, by Dr. Kathy Crowell, exactly as written.
May the tenth day 1798 at a covenant meting at the hous of Lewis Sweetings after solom prayer the brethren proseded to renew covenant obligations to wit Daniel Campbel Cyrus Kinne Gershom Breed Susannah Ward after the bretheron had gone through them came forward Allen Breed William Breed Palmer Breed and informed us they believed in Baptism and wished to go into the ordinance Abell Sweeting aged 76 Lewis Sweeting junior wished to come under our wach care these joined with us May the 10 day of 1798. May 17 day 1798 at the hous of Cyrus Kinne came forward Joseph York in full John Jones under wach care Mary Tirrell said she believed in likeness baptism these joined 17 day of may 1798 May the 29 day at a meeting at gershem breeds came forward and joined in full Lewrance (?) wordin Naomi Sweeting and ... am ... Thursday July the 12 day of 1798 being a day appointed for covenant meting after solom prayer all the bretheren present except brother Campbel sisters all present and went forward after the bretheren had gon through came forward Joshua Knolton and washington wordin orris Hopkin and joined the bretheren ... further and agreed to hold Covenant metings on every fourth thursday forward and every second thursday after covenant meting for the bretheren to pass under examation by some brother selected out for that purpose and the thursdays between for worship or conference metings So that we meat every thursday at a covenant meting at the hous of B= Cyrus Kinne August the of 1798 after Solom Prayer the Bretheren went forward to renew their covenant obligations Bretheren Present Daniel Cariphel Cyrus Kinne Gershom Breed Lewis Sweeting Joshua Knolton Allen Breed william Breed Palmer Breed orris Hopkin Sisters Mary terrill Susannah ward at a covenant meting november the first day 1798 Brothers present Cyrus Kinne gershom Breed Lewis Sweeting John Jones william Breed Joshua Knolton Jabith york Sisters none at a covenant meting November the 19 day 1798 at the house of Breeds Brothers Gershom Breed Present Cyrus Kinne John Jones Lewis Sweeting william Breed Allen Breed Palmer Breed washington wordin orris Hopkin Joshua Knolton said he never joined with all the Bretheren espesily Brother Kinne
Early Baptist Meeting
June 20, 1812. A covenent (sic) meeting at the schoolhouse near the widow Kinnes. After singing and prayers went onto renew Covenent present
Gershom Breed, Moses Goodfellow, John Britton, Cornelius Holsted,Timothy Goodfellow, Icabod Goodfellow, Renselaer Breed, John Goodfellow, Aaron Eaton, Ebenezer Wickam, Joshua Kinne, Benjamin Landers, Palmer Breed, Reubin Mann, George Smith, James Worden, Walter Worden, Walter Worden, Jr., Cary Coats, Voice Breed, Danforth Worden, Allen Breed, Ralph Eaton, Jacob Mead
Lucretia Worden, Abigail Wickam, Phebe Goodfellow, Abigail Huntley, Hannah Breed, Caty Holsted, Esther Mead, Jerusha Mann, Huldy Goodfellow, Mary Goodfellow, Jerusha Wentworth, Hannah Britton, Phebe Tirrel, Hannah Landers, Sarah Coats, Elizabeth Landers, Sally Holsted, Lois Hatch, Mehittebel Worden, Lydia Eaton, Dinah Susen, Eve Britton, Lucretia Holsted, Fanney Mecanter
This meeting took place on the northeast corner of Rte. 173 and Troop K Road, about ½ mile west from the center of Manlius Village.
Courtesy, Manlius Historical Society, 1997