Babcock, Mrs. Sarah A. - Alexander Steel, 3 Sept 1879 at residence of
Eli Bangs
Babcock, Mabel - John Daniel Nichols, 27 Nov 1895 at Grace Church,
Mexico, NY
Babcock, Susan B. - Percy B. Jarvis, 11 June 1913, Trinity Church
Bajus, George Louis Jr. - Edna Lane, 19 June 1912, Trinity Church
Bajus, Ida Brownell - Frank Clarke Christopher, 9 Feb 1918, residence
of bride
Baker, Frederick H. - Florence H. Bishop, 20 Dec 1887 at church
Baker, Edwin Valentine - Hazel Irene Hill, 12 Sept 1914, Trinity Church
Balsley, Edwin - Frances Maltby, 4 Nov 1874 at church
Barnes, Mary Allicia - Richard Oakley Stillwell, 1 July 1896, res.
of bride's parents in Oran
Bartlett, Sylvanus - Electa Thomas, 1 Sept 1839
Bartlett, DeLancey - Allie M. Farnham, 8 Jan 1863 in the church
Bartlett, DeLancey - Rosamond D. Farnham, 10 June 1880 at church
Bartlett, DeLancey Farnham, M.D. - Lizzie Mabel Maltby, 4 Oct 1899,
Trinity Church
Beadle, Frank - Margaret E. Nichols, 14 Aug 1915, at home of bride
Beard, Ellen - Robert Crouse, 19 Aug 1858 at church
Beard, Augusta F. - Lewis H. Eaton, 12 June 1861 at church
Beard, Carrie A. - J. Orville Evans, 15 Nov 1865 residence of B.C.
Beard, Ida - John Ecker, 19 Dec 1872 at res. of Beach C. Beard
Begent, Gordon Crittenden - Leslie Marion Dickerson, 31 Dec 1919, at
home of bride
Bell, Robert - Hanna Sophronia Gilmor, 11 July 1867 at church
Bennett, Edward - Florence Hawkins, of Chittenango, 1 Aug 1877, rectory
Bettinger, Leonard S. - Edith Louise Madison, 12 June 1907, Trinity
Bird, Victor - Edna Louise Smith, 10 June 1916 at the home of Dr. Geo.
Birdseye, Albert Franklin, Pompey, - Mary Catherine Post, 11 June 1862
at church
Bishop, Florence H. - Frederick H. Baker, 20 Dec 1887 at church
Blank, Maggie of Manlius Station - Edmund Cotter, 14 Jan 1888, Trinity
Blind, Eva Jane - James Phillips, 31 Dec 1873 at res. of Chas. Boyce,
Boylston, Florence Mildred - William Joseph Pelo, 13 Aug 1901, res.
of bride's parents, Manlius
Boylston, Sophia L. - Edward Allen Breck, 15 Aug 1904, res. of bride's
parents, Manlius
Breck, Edward Allen - Sophia L. Boylston, 15 Aug 1904, res. of bride's
parents, Manlius
Briggs, Minnie D. - Frederick B. Hammond, both of Apulia, 8 July 1884,
Brodwater, Mrs. Eloise Olivia - Charles Edward Cartwright, 17 Feb 1865,
res. of Arad Evans
Bronson, Charles D., Syr., - Ann Moyer, Chittenango, 21 Jan 1857, Scollard's
Brown, Gertrude Josephine - Homer Pringle, 17 Aug 1871 at res. of Daniel
Brown, George Lewis - Catharine Taylor, 3 Dec 1882, rectory
Brown, Mrs.Mary Elizabeth - John Stoner? Cauykendall, 13 July
1894, Fayetteville
Bryan, George J. - Grace Downing Smith, 2 Sept 1911, residence of bride,
Burdin, Laura Jane - William L. Colegrove, 3 July 1865
Burgess, Cora E. of Erieville - Walter Martin, 5 Sept 1877 at Beard
Burhans, Julia E. - William Henry Maltby, 30 Dec 1868 at church
Burhans, Edward William - Belle Hubbs, 8 Jan 1878 at church
Burke, Helen A. - John W. Williams, 17 Oct 1841
Burns, Mrs. Eliza - Robert Henry Hardy, 4 Dec 1865 at house of officiating
Burns, Susie - Jacob Goodfellow, 20 Aug 1876, at residence of
Fred Humphrey
Burrell, Amelia P., Hartsville - John Charles, Utica, 20 Sept 1849
Burritt, Hattie Avery - Thomas Hall, 26 July 1901, at rector's residence,
Bushnell, Edna - Albert Goodmore, 25 Oct 1911, at home of bride
Cadwell, Maria - Stilwell Stanley, 22 Sept 1831
Call, Robert Vincent - Lucile Alice Hale, 1 Jan 1919 at home of bride
Campbell, Ida M.- Charles F. Harris, 26 March 1874 at res. of Dennis
Carey, Myron - Mrs. Mary Louisa Platto, 4 Feb 1878, res. of E. Stedman
Carroll, Sophronia of Syr. - Whitfield Castner of Syr., 17 Jan 1857
at Beard's Hotel
Cartwright, Charles Edward - Mrs. Eloise Olivia Brodwater, 27 Feb 1865
at res. of Arad Evans
Castner, Whitfield of Syr.- Sophronia Carroll of Syr., 17 Jan 1857
at Beard's Hotel
Cauykendall, John Stoner? - Mary Elizabeth Brown, 13 July 1894 at the
res. of Mrs. Julia
Thompson, Fayetteville, where rector
was boarding
Cauraugh, Frederick H. - Ethel L. Holley, 18 Sept 1916 at home of bride,
Chambers, Leander - Sabina Welsh, 2 Oct 1865 at Mr. Seymour Pratt's
Chandler, Anna Augusta of Mexico, NY - Geo. May Avery of Syr., 1 Nov
1884, rectory
Charles, John of Utica - Amelia P. Burrell of Hartsville, 20 Sept 1849
Chase, Lucy E. - John W. Wheeler, 23 May 1888 at res. of Marvin Chase,
father of bride
Chase, William - Anna Tooley, 18 Sept 1890, rectory
Chase, Fred - Minnie Tooley, 6 Nov 1890, rectory
Chase, Augustus Henry - Laura May Knight, 22 Jan 1895, Trinity Church
Cherritree, Edward - Laura Post, 29 Aug 1876, St. James Church, Syracuse
Chilton, Roscoe J. - Ethel D. Moon, 25 Dec 1911, Trinity Church
Christopher, Frank Clarke - Ida Brownell Bajus, 9 Feb 1918 at home
of bride
Clark, Osswill Follett of Cortland - Mary Ann Gillson of Fayetteville,
Clark, Delia, Syracuse - Marcus D. Perkins, 20 Sept 1862 at Beard's
Cleveland, Palmer - Mrs. Helen Coughland, 14 Nov 1876, rectory
Coe, George S. - Ella R. Demming, 6 Feb 1875 at the Hodge House, Fayetteville
Colegrove, William L. - Laura Jane Burdin, 3 July 1865 at Fayetteville
Comstock, Elmer A. - Catherine McNulty, 6 Oct 1889, rectory
Comyns, Elizabeth of Fayetteville - Francis Post?, 6 Sept 1860 at Scollard's
Cook, Edward - Helen M. Day, both of Cazenovia, 31 Dec 1843 at Beard's
Cook, Frances M. - James H. Persse?, 4 Feb 1905, rectory
Cotter, Edmund - Maggie Blank of Manlius Station, 14 Jan 1888, rectory
Coughland, Mrs. Helen - Palmer Cleveland, 14 Nov 1876, rectory
Cramer, George H. - Justine Hilda Hunt, 14 Oct 1919 at res. of V.H.
Nichols, town clerk
Cross, Josephus of Fayetteville - Ellen Martha Mead, 30 Aug 1864 at
Crouse, Robert - Ellen Beard, 19 Aug 1858, Trinity Church
Cummings, Dennis - Mary Gilbert, 29 Sept 1866 at the Armstrong Hotel
Cummings, Sadie Dorothea - Joseph Scott Ralph, 7 Oct 1888, rectory
Daniels, William H.- Marion Everson, both of Hartsville, 1 Jan 1866,
Armstrong Hotel
Davis, Charles - Ella Keller, 14 Apr 1879 at rector's house
Day, Helen M. - Edward Cook, both of Cazenovia, 31 Dec 1843 at Beard's
DeBrugne, Adeline L. - John C. Henry, 14 June 1919, rectory
DeLong, Henry Levi - Jennie Fay Tegg, 13 Jan 1895 at res. of Mrs. Julia
Thompson in
Fayetteville where rector was boarding
DeLong, James Franklin - Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Woods, 9 Aug 1909, Fayetteville
Demming, Ella R. - George S. Coe, 6 Feb 1875 at the Hodge House, Fayetteville
Dennis, Adeline L. - John Wiley, 21 June 1862 at Beard's Hotel
DePuy, Minerva L. - George W. Wheeler, 4 May 1837
DeVoe, Willis - Carrie Avery, 4 Aug 1877, Orville
Dickerson, Leslie Marion - Gordon Crittenden Begent, 31 Dec 1919 at
home of bride
Donaldson, Sarah - Seymour Wickham, 25 Oct 1887, Trinity Church
Dougherty, Joseph - Jessie Wheeler, 29 Jan 1903 at rector's residence,
Duke, Alice M. - Milward C. Everingham, 19 Apr 1904
Dunham, Frankie H. - William A. Van Slyke, 20 Nov 1865 at Armstrong
Eaton, Lewis H. of Albany - Augusta F. Beard, F'ville, 12 June 1861,
Trinity Church
Eaton, Margaret - Moses Shepherd, 1 Dec 1875 at residence of John Shepherd
Eckel, Jinnie - Lewis Wilber Alvord, 9 Feb 1898 at res. her aunt, Mrs.
D. W. Griffin, F'ville
Ecker, John - Ida Beard, 19 Dec 1872 at residence of Beach C. Beard,
Ecker, Natalie - Irving D. Perry, 26 Aug 1916 at home of bride, Fayetteville
Edwards, Gershom - Emmeline Ingolls, 22 Apr 1840
Elliott, Clara S. - Irving H. Waggoner, 26 May 1868 at res. of S. Park,
Elwin, Minerva O. of Delphi - Paul Siegfrid of Syracuse, 1863 at Beard's
Emmons, Isaac Branerd? - Nettie Adela Rotnour, 18 July 1900, at rector's
res., F'ville
Evans, J. Orville - Carrie A. Beard, 15 Nov 1865 at residence of B.
C. Beard
Everingham, Milward C. - Alice M. Duke, 19 Apr 1904
Everson, Marion - William H. Daniels, both of Hartsville, 1 Jan 1866,
Armstrong Hotel
Farnham, Lucretia - Medad Raymond, 12 Feb 1836
Farnham, Allie M.of Fayetteville - DeLancey Bartlett, 8 Jan 1863 in
the Church
Farnham, Rosamond D. - DeLancey Bartlett, 10 June 1880, Trinity Church
Ferrance, Rose Alice - Rojet Cornelius Leurnoch?, 31 Mar 1917, rectory
Finniear, Edith - Charles T. Williams, 4 Mar 1912 at home of Fred Taylor,
Burdick St.
Foote, Clarence Walworth - Mary Hellen Sony?, 29 Apr 1891, rectory
Foster, Rosaline - Seymour A. June, 10 Nov 1841
Fox, Lyman - Joanna Pulford, 27 Sept 1877, both of Delphi, at the Grove
Frain, Levi of F'ville - Martha J. Phillips of Manlius, 13 Sept 1877,
Frane, Levi - Mary Ann Murphy, both of F'ville, 6 May 1855, 6 p.m.
at church
Franklin, Mary A. - James B. Snook, 28 June 1881, residence of Jerome
Ecker, Fayetteville
Frary, William - Mary Mina Keene, 6 Sept 1918 at home of Mrs. Nettie
Walrath, F'ville
Freeborn, James Franklin - Julia Edith Maltby, 27 June 1907, Trinity
French, Delia - Stephen Sternburg, 30 Sept 1841
Fry, John P. - Sophronia June, 7 June 1847
Galide, Emil - Sadie A. Sault, 21 Jan 1894, Grove Hotel
Gilbert, Mary - Dennis Cummings, 29 Sept 1866, Armstrong Hotel
Gilchrist, Martha Ann - Alexander Jackson Taylor, 1 Aug 1850
Gillson, Mary Ann of F'ville - Osswill? Follett Clark of Cortland,
Gilmor, Hanna Sophronia - Robert Bell, 11 July 1867, Trinity Church
Goodfellow, Jacob - Susie Burns, 20 Aug 1876 at residence of Fred Humphrey
Goodfellow, Wallace Calvin - Lena Almina Agan, 4 June 1896, Trinity
Goodfellow, William Henry - Carrie Janette Northrup, 4 Sept 1917, rectory
Goodmore, Albert - Edna Bushnell, 25 Oct 1911 at home of bride
Griffiths, Willard Richardson - Ella Bangs Wheeler, 12 Jan 1892 at
res. of Horace Wheeler, father
Grinnell, Lucy - Walter Meeks, 10 Apr 1844
Grove, Catharine - George Hadley, 8 Mar 1848, Trinity Church
Guild, Lucy Ellen - Warren Crozier?Smith, 4 May 1918, Trinity Church
Gumaer, Catherine G. - Joel Kneeland, 25 Sept 1836
Gummer, Robert - Mary Anne Regan, 23 July 1874 at Mrs. Hoyt's, Fayetteville
Hadley, George - Catharine Grove, 8 Mar 1848, Trinity Church
Hadley, Catharine A. - James Gardner Reals, both of F'ville, 31 July
Hale, Marie Marjorie - Elbridge P. Kinne, 1 Jan 1912, Trinity Church
Hale, Lucile Alice - Robert Vincent Call, 1 Jan 1919, home of the bride
Hall, Thomas - Hattie Avery Burritt?, 26 July 1901, rector's residence,
Hamilton, Marian G. - Charles H. Williamson, 25 Nov 1874, Beard Hotel
Hammond, Frederick B. - Minnie D. Briggs, both of Apulia, 8 July
1884, rectory
Hardy, Robert Henry - Mrs. Eliza Burns, 4 Dec 1865 at house of officiating
Hare, Lucy - Oriel Newton, 29 Jan 1824
Harris, Charles F. - Ida M. Campbell, 26 Mar 1874 at residence of Dennis
Harris, Cora - Charles Van Antwerp, 15 May 1884 at house of Mr. Van
Hartop, Emma - Delevan Morse, 24 Dec 1868 at res. of Mr. Hartop, F'ville
Hawkins, Florence - Edward Bennett, both of Chittenango, 1 Aug 1877,
Helme, George - Elizabeth Templeton, 6 Mar 1880 at Thomas Templeton's
Henry, Samuel E. - Sarah A. Schuyler, 21 Sept 1873, Beard's Hotel
Henry, John C. - Adeline L. DeBrugne, 14 June 1919, rectory
Hess, Ervin L. - Edith J. Moore, 21 Feb 1887 at res. of Silas Moore,
Higley, Florence C. - Thomas Skinner, 2 July 1918, home of the bride
Hildreth, Truman S. - Daisy M. Stokes, 27 Sept 1911, residence of the
bride, F'ville
Hill, Hazel Irene - Edwin Valentine Baker, 12 Sept 1914, Trinity Church
Hindsdale, Eliza - Philemon Pitcher, 1839
Hine, Josephine E. - Hary Walters, 18 Apr 1866 at Mr. Cadegon's, Jamesville
Hmiel, John Francis - Mary Plamfin, 30 June 1919 at home of A. C. Houghton
Hogg, Charlotte - Thomas Templeton, both of F'ville, 24 Nov 1854
Holbrook, Sarah of Chittenango - Jason W. Allen of Cazenovia, 21 Feb
Holley, Ethel L. - Frederick H. Cauraugh, 18 Sept 1916, residence of
the bride, F'ville
Howe, William Henry - Anna Belle Wickham, 8 June 1898, Trinity Church
Hubbs, Belle - Edward Wm. Burhans, 8 Jan 1878, Trinity Church
Hunt, Justine Hilda - George H. Cramer, 14 Oct 1919 at home of V.H.
Nichols, town clerk
Huntley, Lafayette - Frances Overhiser, 24 Feb 1869, Merritt's Hotel,
Hurd, Mrs. Augusta N. - Daniel Pratt, both of Syr., 19 Dec 1881, Beard
Ingison, Sophia Louise - Joseph George Totten, 6 Apr 1881, Trinity rectory
Ingolls, Emmeline - Gershom Edwards, 22 Apr 1840
James, A. Willard - Eva M. Van Slyke, 24 Aug 1887, Trinity rectory
Jarvis, Percy B. - Susan B. Babcock, 11 June 1913, Trinity Church
Jerome, Katie Eliza - Ernest Spencer Pownall, 28 Nov 1917, Trinity
Jewell, Harry H. - Clara B. West, 8 Oct 1887 at Grove's Hotel, Fayetteville
Johnson, Sarah - Dr. William Taylor, 27 Jan 1869 at the res. of Mr.
Johnson, Pompey Hill
Joslin, Benedict S. - Caroline Neely, 31 Dec 1835
June, Seymour A. - Rosaline Foster, 10 Nov 1841
June, William - Clarissa Adams, 7 June 1847
June, Sophronia - John P. Fry, 7 June 1847
June, Julia R. - William E. Todd, 9 May 1866, Trinity Church
Keene, Mary Mina - William Frary, 6 Sept 1918 at the home of Mrs. Nettie
Walrath, F'ville
Keller, Ella - Charles Davis, 14 Apr 1879, at the rector's house
Keller, Bertha - Charles M. Richards, 21 Jan 1907
Kelley, Daniel F. - Alice M. Rogers, 8 Apr 1890, rectory
Kendall, Amos - Margaret Murphy, 6 June 1847, Trinity Church
Kennedy, Sarah B. - Lewis F. Parker, 12 Sept 1916 at the home of the
bride, Chittenango
Kidder, Kathryn - Louis Anspacher, 27 Sept 1905, rectory
Kimball, Rupert Noyes? - Nancy H. Kinne, 30 May 1865 in Lafayette
Kinne, Nancy H. - Rupert N. Kimball, 30 May 1865 in Lafayette
Kinne, Elbridge P. - Marie Marjorie Hale, 1 Jan 1912, Trinity Church
Kinney, Sophronia - Martin Tomb, 13 May 1840
Kinsley, William H. of Syr. - Jennie Scott of Granby, 5 June 1873 "at
the hotel in Fayetteville"
Kneeland, Joel - Catherine G. Gumaer, 25 Sept 1836
Knight, Laura May - Augustus Henry Chase, 22 Jan 1895, Trinity Church
Laass, John J. - Mabel Stimers, 15 June 1904, rectory
Lane, Edna - George Louis Bajus, Jr., 19 June 1912, Trinity Church
Law, Lawrence - Eunice Cornelia Taylor, 1 Jan 1866 at the house of
bride's father, Manlius
LeChance, Josephine - George C. Mills, 18 Mar 1915, The Hoxie House,
Leech, Mary Elizabeth - Hawley G. Moulter, 31 Oct 1877 at res. of the
bride's parents
Leurnoch?, Rojet Cornelius - Rose Alice Ferrance, 31 Mar 1917, rectory
Loring, Rev. Henry H. - Mary Elizabeth Wood, 25 Sept 1866, at res.
of H. Wood
Loomis, Martha Rosanna - Charles Sykes, 3 June 1848, at Oran
Madison, Lillian May - Dana Huntington Wells, 11 May 1898, Trinity Church
Madison, Edith Louise - Leonard S. Bettinger, 12 June 1907, Trinity
Maloney, Sophia, 20 - Gifford Roe, 19, both of Syracuse, 24 Jan 1882,
Trinity rectory
Maloney, Lizzie, 18 - Robert W. Sloan, 28, both of Syracuse, 11 Apr
1882, Trinity rectory
Maltby, William Henry - Julia E. Burhans, 30 Dec 1868, Trinity Church
Maltby, Frances - Edwin Balsley, 4 Nov 1874, Trinity Church
Maltby, Lizzie Mabel - DeLancey Farnham Bartlett, M.D., 4 Oct 1899,
Trinity Church
Maltby, Julia Edith - James Franklin Freeborn, 27 June 1907, Trinity
Marsh, Phinelson W. of Albion, Mich. - Prusia J. Scollard of F'ville,
13 Mar 1866, Scollard
Martin, Walter J. - Cora E. Burgess, of Erieville, 5 Sept 1877, Beard
Maynard, Marion B. - Joseph F. Murphy, 29 June 1898, residence of the
rector, Fayetteville
McCoy, William H. - Katherine Ulmer, 12 Apr 1917 at the home of the
McGee, Willie Adelbert - Mamie Wilson, 25 Dec 1892, rectory
McIntyre, Sarah - William H. Plummer, 15 Aug 1883, Beard Hotel
McKea, Anna Helen - Arthur Garfield Williams, 15 Sept 1915 at the home
of the bride
McMechan, H.V.S. - Clarissa Sprague, 10 Feb 1847, Trinity Church
McMillan, Alexander - Jessie Wade, 22 Aug 1906, Grove Hotel, Fayetteville
McNulty, Catherine - Elmer A. Comstock, 6 Oct 1889, rectory
Mead, Ellen Martha - Josephus F. Cross, 30 Aug 1864, Trinity
Mead, T. Gertrude - Richard J. Todd, 20 Feb 1889, residence of Mrs.
R. D. June, F'ville
Meeks, Walter - Lucy Grinnell, 10 Apr 1844
Miller, Addie C. - Francis Elmer Rowley, 1 Sept 1881, residence of
Mr. Joyce, Syracuse
Millington, Sally Maria - Warren Eugene Square, 4 Oct 1873, McGuire's
Mills, George C. - Josephine LeChance, 18 Mar 1915 at the Hoxie House,
Milton, Franklin A. - Emma J. Owen, both of Syracuse, 1 Oct 1865, Armstrong
Moon, Ethel D. - Roscoe J. Chilton, 25 Dec 1911, Trinity Church
Moore, Edith J. - Ervin L. Hess, 21 Feb 1887, residence of Silas Moore,
Morse, Delevan - Emma Hartop, 24 Dec 1868, residence of Mr. Hartop,
Moyer, Ann of Chittenango - Charles D. Bronson of Syr., 21 Jan 1857,
Scollard's Hotel
Moulter, Hawley G. - Mary Elizabeth Leech, 31 Oct 1877, res. of bride's
Moulter, George H. - Mary Weaver, 17 Dec 1879, res. of Mr. Weaver,
232 S. Salina St.
Munn, Thomas - Laura Adams, 28 Sept 1841
Murphy, Margaret - Amos Kendall, 6 June 1847, Trinity Church
Murphy, Mary Ann - Levi Frane, both of F'ville, 6 May 1855, 6 p.m.,
Trinity Church
Murphy, Henry - Angeline Savoy, 2 July 1867, rectory
Murphy, Joseph F.- Marion B. Maynard, 29 June 1898, residence of the
rector, F'ville
Murray, Emily B. - John Tooley, 5 Sept 1895, res. of Mrs. Chase, groom's
sister, Manlius Village
Neely, Caroline - Benedict S. Joslin, 31 Dec 1835
Newton, Oriel - Lucy Hare, 29 Jan 1824
Nichols, John Daniel - Mabel Babcock, 27 Nov 1895 at Grace Church,
Mexico, the bride's place
of residence
Nichols, Margaret E. - Frank Beadle, 14 Aug 1915 at the home of the
Nolan, Margaret Agnes - Adelbert Seagar, 7 July 1868, rectory
Northrup, Carrie Janette - William Henry Goodfellow, 4 Sept 1917, rectory
Odell, Letetia - James Henry Tallman, 9 June 1901, home of the bride's
parents, Fayetteville
Ours, Jeannette - Charles A. Remlinger, 28 Oct 1896 at the res. of
the bride's parents, Fayetteville
Overhiser, Frances - Lafayette Huntley, 24 Feb 1869 at Merritt's Hotel,
Owen, Emma J. - Franklin A. Milton, both of Syracuse, 1 Oct 1865, Armstrong
Palmer, Charles Thomas - Emma Wood, 27 Jan 1869 at church
Parker, Lewis F. - Sarah B. Kennedy, 12 Sept 1916 at home of bride,
Partridge, Harriet Maria - Edward Pratt, both of Fayetteville, 1851
Pelo, William Joseph - Florence Mildred Boylston, 13 Aug 1901at home
of bride's parents,
Penoyer, Hattie - Charles J. Whitmore, both of Syracuse, 4 May 1865
in Fayetteville
Perkins, Marcus D. - Delia Clark of Syracuse, 20 Sept 1862 at Beard's
Perry, Mary Ann of Fayetteville - Marvin Adams of Syracuse, 13 Feb
Perry, Irving D. - Natalie Ecker, 26 Aug 1916 at home of the bride,
Persse?, James H. - Frances M. Cook, 4 Feb 1905, at the rectory
Phillips, James - Eva Jane Blind, 31 Dec 1873 at home of Charles Boyce,
Phillips, Martha J. of Manlius - Levi Frain of Fayetteville, 13 Sept
1877, rectory
Phiney, Mrs. Amelia F. - Adam Wilber, 9 Aug 1866 at Hodge's Hotel,
Pitcher, Philemon - Eliza Hindsdale, 1839
Platto, Mrs. Mary Louisa - Myron Carey, 4 Feb 1878 at the residence
of E. Stedman
Plamfin, Mary - John Francis Hmiel, 30 June 1919, home of A. C. Houghton
Plummer, William H. - Sarah McIntyre, 15 Aug 1883, Beard Hotel
Pomeroy, Henry Glenn - Emily Elizabeth Sisson, 14 Oct 1909, Trinity
Pooler, Willis H. - Rosa B. Rainbow, 16 Oct 1906, rectory
Post, Lucy Maria - Martin West Tuttle, both of Fayetteville, 25 June
1855 at Mrs. Hannah Post's
Post, Francis - Elizabeth Comyns of F'ville, 6 Sept 1860, Scollard's
Hotel, Fayetteville
Post, Mary Catherine of F'ville - Albert Franklin Birdseye, 11 June
1862 at church
Post, Laura - Edward Cherritree, 29 Aug 1876 at St. James Church, Syracuse
Pownall, Ernest Spencer - Katie Eliza Jerome, 28 Nov 1917, rectory
Pratt, Edward - Harriet Maria Partridge, both of Fayetteville, 1851
Pratt, Henry S. of Fayetteville - Lydia Rowley, 7 Sept 1858 at the
Beard Hotel
Pratt, Daniel - Mrs. Augusta N. Hurd, both of Syracuse, 19 Dec 1881,
Beard Hotel, F'ville
Pringle, Homer - Gertrude Josephine Brown, 17 Aug 1871 at the res.
of Daniel Rotnor, Esq.
in Fayetteville
Pulford, Joanna - Lyman Fox, 27 Sept 1877, of Delphi, at the Grove
Rainbow, Rosa B. - Willis H. Pooler, 16 Oct 1906, rectory
Ralph, Joseph Scott - Sadie Dorothea Cummings, 7 Oct 1888, Trinity
Randall, Sarah B. - DeWitt C. Worden, 21 Mar 1842
Randall, Joseph of Syracuse - Charity D. Shannon of Bridgeport, 1862,
Beard's Hotel
Raymond, Medad - Lucretia Farnham, 12 Feb 1836
Rea, Andrew Edward - Alice Townsend Woods, 13 July 1898 at the res.
of the rector, F'ville
Reals, James Gardner - Catharine A. Hadley, both of Fayetteville, 31
July 1850
Reed, Jere S. - Addie Rice, 4 June 1895 at the residence of Mrs. Julia
Thompson, F'ville
Regan, Mary Anne - Robert Gummer, 23 July 1874 at Mrs. Hoyt's, Fayetteville
Remlinger, Charles A. - Jeannette Ours, 28 Oct 1896 at residence of
bride's parents, F'ville
Rice, Addie - Jere S. Reed, 4 June 1895 at the res. of Mrs. Thompson
where rector was boarding
Richards, Charles M. - Bertha Keller, 21 Jan 1907, rectory
Ritter, William - Lois Rotnour, 31 Mar 1880, res. of bride's mother,
Mrs. Belding, DeWitt
Roe, Gifford, 19 - Sophia Maloney, 18, both of Syracuse, 24 Jan 1882,
Trinity rectory
Rogers, Alice M. - Daniel F. Kelley, 8 Apr 1890, rectory
Rotnour, Lois L. - William Ritter, 31 Mar 1880 at the residence of
the bride's mother, Mrs.
Belding, in DeWitt
Rotnour, Nettie Adela - Isaac Branerd? Emmons, 18 July 1900 at the
rector's residence, F'ville
Rowley, Lydia - Henry S. Pratt of Fayetteville, 7 Sept 1858, Beard
Rowley, Francis Elmer - Addie C. Miller, 1 Sept 1881 at the residence
of Mr. Joyce, Syracuse
Rucker, Adia - Philip E. Wilson, 1 Dec 1906, rectory
Russell, Albert - Ella Mary Young, 2 Mar 1897 at the residence of the
rector in Fayetteville
Sackett, John D. - Sylvia Wheelock, both of Syracuse, 1852
Sault, Sadie A. - Emil Galide, 21 Jan 1894, Grove Hotel
Savoy, Angeline - Henry Murphy, 2 July 1867, rectory
Sayles, Edgar E. - Mary A. Worden, 17 Dec 1868 at residence of M. Worden,
Sayles, Edna Taylor - Walter DeWitt Smith, 19 Sept 1907, residence
of the bride's mother, F'ville
Schuyler, Sarah A. - Samuel E. Henry, 21 Sept 1873, Beard's Hotel
Scollard, Prusia J. - Phinelson W. Marsh of Albion, Mich., 13 Mar 1866,
Scott, Jennie of Granby - William H. Kinsly of Syracuse, 5 June 1873
at the hotel in Fayetteville
Scoville, James Edwin - Eva Mabel Wheeler, 7 Nov 1883, home of bride,
H. Wheeler's, F'ville
Seagar, Adelbert - Margaret Agnes Nolan, 7 July 1868, rectory
Seny?, Mary Hellen - Clarence Walworth Foote, 29 Apr 1891, rectory
Shannon, Charity D. of Bridgeport - Joseph Randall of Syracuse, 1862,
Beard's Hotel
Shepherd, Moses - Margaret Eaton, 1 Dec 1875 at the residence of John
Shirley, Fred - Carrie Tompkins, 30 May 1880 at Beard's Hotel,
Siegfred, Paul of Syracuse - Minerva O. Elwin of Delphi, 1863, Beard's
Sisson, George - Carrie Snell, 25 June 1879, Trinity Church
Sisson, Ada Janette - William Groat Winne Jr., 21 Aug 1907, Trinity
Sisson, Emily Elizabeth - Henry Glenn Pomeroy, 14 Oct 1909, Trinity
Skinner, Thomas - Florence C. Higley, 2 July 1918 at the home of the
Sloan, Robert W., 28 - Lizzie Maloney, 18, both of Syracuse, 11 Apr
1882, rectory
Smith, Harry Howard - Millie Rosaline Todd, 27 Jan 1892 in church
Smith, Walter DeWitt - Edna Taylor Sayles, 19 Sept 1907 at the residence
of the bride's mother
Smith, Warren Crozier? - Lucy Ellen Guild, 4 May 1918 at church
Smith, Grace Downing - George J. Bryan, 2 Sept 1911 at the residence
of the bride, Fayetteville
Smith, Edna Louise - Victor Bird, 10 June 1916 at the home of Dr. George
Snell, Carrie - George Sisson, 25 June 1879, Trinity Church
Snook, James B. - Mary A. Franklin, 28 June 1881, residence of Jerome
Ecker, Fayetteville
Snook, William Wallace - Ella May Agan, 22 Nov 1905 at the home of
the bride, Spring St.
Sprague, Charlotte - William Stewart, 24 Apr 1839
Sprague, Clarissa - H.V.S. McMechan, 10 Feb 1847, Trinity Church
Square, Warren Eugene - Sally Maria Millington, 4 Oct 1873
Stafford, David R. - Harriet E. Wheeler, 25 Sept 1889 at residence
of Horace Wheeler
Stanley, Stilwell - Maria Cadwell, 22 Sept 1831
Steel, Alexander - Mrs. Sarah A. Babcock, 3 Sept 1879 at the residence
of Eli Bangs, Fayetteville
Sternburg, Stephen - Delia French, 30 Sept 1841
Stewart, William - Charlotte Sprague, 24 Apr 1839
Stillwell, Richard Oakley - Mary Alicia Barnes, 1 July 1896 at the
residence of the bride's parents
in Oran
Stimers, Mabel - John J. Laass, 15 June 1904 at the rectory, Fayetteville
Stokes, Daisy M. - Truman S. Hildreth, 27 Sept 1911 at the residence
of the bride, Fayetteville
Strong, Nellie - Stephen Warren, 15 Nov 1882 at Beard Hotel
Sullivan, Timothy - Ursula Ulmer, 30/31 Oct 1920 at the home of the
Sykes, Charles - Martha Rosanna Loomis, 3 June 1848 at Oran
Tallman, James Henry - Letetia Odell, 9 June 1901, at the home of the
bride's parents, F'ville
Taylor, Alexander Jackson - Martha Ann Gilchrist, both of Fayetteville,
1 Aug 1850
Taylor, Eunice Cornelia - Lawrence Law, 1 Jan 1866, at house of bride's
father, Manlius
Taylor, Dr. William - Sarah Johnson, 27 Jan 1869 at residence of Mr.
Johnson, Pompey Hill
Taylor, Catharine - George Lewis Brown, 3 Dec 1882, rectory
Tegg, Jennie Fay - Henry Levi DeLong, 13 Jan 1895 in Fayetteville where
rector was boarding
Templeton, Thomas - Charlotte Hogg, both of Fayetteville, 24 Nov 1854
Templeton, Elizabeth - George Helme, 6 Mar 1880 at Thomas Templeton's
Thomas, Electa - Sylvanus Bartlett, 1 Sept 1839
Thompson, Maria Eliza - Ephraim Wample, 6 June 1835
Todd, William E. - Julia R. June, 9 May 1866, at church
Todd, Richard J. - T. Gertrude Mead, 20 Feb 1889 at residence of Mrs.
R.D. June, Fayetteville
Todd, Millie Rosaline - Harry Howard Smith, 27 Jan 1892, rectory
Tomb, Martin - Sophronia Kinney, 13 May 1840
Tompkins, Carrie - Fred Shirley, 30 May 1880 at Beard Hotel, Fayetteville
Tooley, Anna - William Chase, 18 Sept 1890, rectory
Tooley, Minnie - Fred Chase, 6 Nov 1890, rectory
Tooley, John - Emily B. Murray, 5 Sept 1895 at the residence of Mrs.
Chase in Manlius Village,
sister to the groom
Totten, Joseph George - Sophia Louise Ingison, 6 Apr 1881, Trinity
Trumble, (blank) - Elizabeth Adams, 25 Dec 1879 at Thomas Templeton's
Tuttle, Martin West - Lucy Maria Post, both of Fayetteville, 25 June
1855 at Mrs. Hannah Post's
Ulmer, Katherine - William H. McCoy, 12 Apr 1917 at the home of the
Ulmer, Ursula - Timothy Sullivan, 30 Oct 1920 at the home of the bride
Van Allen, Abijah - Mary Jane Vickerman, 1 Nov 1865, Beard's Hotel
Van Antwerp, Charles - Cora Harns, 15 May 1884 at the house of Mr.
Van Antwerp
Van Slyke, William A. - Frankie H. Dunham, 20 Nov 1865, Armstrong Hotel
Van Slyke, Eva M. - A. Willard James, 24 Aug 1887, Trinity rectory
Vickerman, Mary Jane - Abijah Van Allen, 1 Nov 1865, Beard's Hotel
Vincent, Ann - George H. Wilson, 9 Oct 1866, Armstrong Hotel
Wade, Jessie - Alexander McMillan, 22 Aug 1906, Grove Hotel, Fayetteville
Waggoner, Irving H. - Clara S. Elliott, 26 May 1868 at the residence
of S. Park, Syracuse
Walters, Hary - Josephine E. Hine, 18 Apr 1866 at Mr. Cadegon's?, Jamesville
Walters, John Jackson - Gertrude J. Wheeler, 30 May 1906, Trinity Church
Wample, Ephraim - Maria Eliza Thompson, 6 June 1835
Warren, Stephen - Nellie Strong, 15 Nov 1882, Beard Hotel
Weaver, Mary - George H. Moulter, 17 Dec 1879, res. of Mr. Weaver,
232 S. Salina St.
Wells, Dana Huntington - Lillian May Madison, 11 May 1898, Trinity
Welsh, Sabina - Leander Chambers, 2 Oct 1865 at Mr. Seymour Pratt's
West?, Clara B. - Harry H. Jewell, 8 Oct 1887 at Grove's Hotel, Fayetteville
Wheeler, George W. - Minerva L. DePuy, 4 May 1837
Wheeler, William F. - Martha A. Abell, both of Buffalo, 21 May 1873
at the residence of
Theron E. Quimby, M.D., Fayetteville
Wheeler, Eva Mabel - James Edwin Scoville, 7 Nov 1883, home of bride,
H. Wheeler's, F'ville
Wheeler, John W. - Lucy E. Chase, 23 May 1888, residence of Marvin
Chase, Fayetteville, father
of the bride
Wheeler, Harriet E. - David R. Stafford, 25 Sept 1889, res. of Horace
Wheeler, F'ville
Wheeler, Ella Bangs - Willard Richardson Griffiths, 12 Jan 1892, res.of
Horace Wheeler, father
Wheeler, Jessie - Joseph Dougherty, 29 Jan 1903, at the rector's residence,
Wheeler, Gertrude J. - John Jackson Walters, 30 May 1906, Trinity Church
Wheelock, Sylvia - John D. Sackett, both of Syracuse, 1852
Whitmore, Charles J. - Hattie Penoyer, both of Syracuse, 4 May 1865
Wickham, Seymour - Sarah Donaldson, 25 Oct 1887, Trinity Church
Wickham, Anna Belle - William Henry Howe, 8 June 1898, Trinity Church
Wilber, Adam - Mrs. Amelia F. Phiney, 9 Aug 1866 at Hodge's Hotel,
Wiley, John - Adeline L. Dennis of Syracuse, 21 June 1862, Beard's
Williams, John W. - Helen A. Burke, 17 Oct 1841
Williams, Charles T. - Edith Finniear, 4 Mar 1912 at the home of Fred
Taylor, Burdick St.
Williams, Arthur Garfield - Anna Helen McKea, 15 Sept 1915 at the home
of the bride
Williamson, Charles H. of Erieville - Marian G. Hamilton, 25 Nov 1874
at the Beard Hotel
Wilson, George H. - Ann Vincent, 9 Oct 1866, Armstrong Hotel
Wilson, Mamie - Willie Adelbert McGee, 25 Dec 1892, rectory
Wilson, Philip E. - Adia Rucker, 1 Dec 1906, rectory
Winne, William Groat, Jr. - Ada Janette Sisson, 21 Aug 1907, Trinity
Wood, Betsy - William Avery, 31 Mar 1836
Wood, Mary Elizabeth - Rev. Henry H. Loring, 25 Sept 1866 at the residence
of H. Wood
Wood, Emma - Charles Thomas Palmer, 27 Jan 1869, Trinity church
Wood, Martha L. - George Murdock Andrews, 4 June 1873, Trinity Church
Woods, Alice Townsend - Andrew Edward Rea, 13 July 1898, residence
of the rector, F'ville
Woods, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth - James Franklin DeLong, 9 Aug 1909, Fayetteville
Worden, DeWitt C. - Sarah B. Randall, 21 Mar 1842
Worden, Mary A. - Edgar E. Sayles, 17 Dec 1868 at the residence of
M. Worden, Fayetteville
Young, Ella Mary - Albert Russell, 2 Mar 1897 at the residence of the rector, Fayetteville
Submitted 29 May 1998
Updated 31 May 1998