Squire Munro
Ichabod Tyler
Isaac Godfrey
D. Powell
Abner Lee
David Palmer
Peter Delany
Johnathan Rowley
Amos Bennett
Jason Tyler
Chester Marshall
Abram Lewis
Wm. Thomas
Horace Olney
James Wisner
Isaac Hill
Claudius Lamb
Daniel Rowe
Timothy Hodges
Lyman Whitney
Many names and dates are found in the History of Elbridge Baptist Church published at the centennial of the church May 1, 1913.
Record on present church books.
Brown, Mrs. Mary, rec’d Feb. 1, 1868, died Nov. 1927 age 77
Garrison, Mrs. Frank, rec’d Apr. 16, 1911, died Mar. 1927
Gorham, Frances, rec’d Feb. 2, 1863, living
Gorham, Rose, rec’d Feb. 2, 1868, died Apr. 9, 1925, age 75
Hill, David Munro, rec’d Apr. 1, 1866, died Nov 13, 1919
Howard, Mary Jane, rec’d Nov. ----, died Jan. 15, 1925, age 79
Maxon, Laura, rec’d Nov. 3, 1861, died Mar. 9, 1926, age 84
Rhoades, Mrs. Harriet, rec’d Apr. 5, 1862, died Mar. 1, 1929
Templar, Fred, rec’d June 4, 1874, living
Weeks, William, rec’d Feb. 1, 1868, living
Source: D.A.R. Cemetery, Church and Town Records, Vol.
38, 1932, pg. 34
Copied by
Mrs. Carl Doman
To-whan-ta-qua Chapter
Syracuse, New York