Names Appearing in the 1840 Census
Town of Otisco
Submitted by Kathy Crowell
Abbott, Amos
Abbott, Charles
Abbott, David
Abbott, Warner
Ackles, James
Adams, Almon
Adams, Rhoderick C.
Aldrich, Solomon
Allen, Abel
Allen, Norman
Amidon, Nathaniel
Andrews, Russell
Bailey, Coridan?
Bailey, Festus
Bailey, Solomon
Baker, Joel
Baker, Otis
Baker, Silas
Bard, Ebenezer
Bardwell, Enos
Bardwell, William
Barker, Eunice
Barker, Harvey
Barker, Joseph
Barker, Lorenzo
Barker, Lorin
Bartnell, John
Bedford, Bennett
Benham, James
Benlingham, Thomas
Bennett, Isaac
Billings, Lewis
Birge, Hervey
Bishop, Franklin H.
Bishop, George
Bishop, Julius A.
Bissell, Abel S.
Blanchard, William E.
Blooley(?), Matthew
Bordwell, Orrin
Bostwick, Nathaniel
Bostwick, Oliver
Boswell, Charles
Bouttell, Alpheus
Bouttell, Samuel
Breed, Asa
Brewer, Almon
Briggs, Benoni
Brown, Alanson, Jr.
Brown, Esum(?)
Browney, Gideon C.
Burroughs, Ira
Burroughs, Peter
Burroughs, Silas
Button, John
Button, Joseph
Button, Oliver
Card(?), Job
Carley, Cyrus
Case, Alexander
Case, Elias
Case, Perez
Case, Rufus
Catlin, Albert R.
Chapel, Joseph
Christler, Abram
Christler, Sylvester
Church, Benjamin F.
Churchill, James
Clark, Philetus
Clark, Sherman
Clarke, Charles
Clarke, Simon T.
Cleveland, John
Clint, Nathan
Congdon, Abraham B.
Corey, Peleg
Corey, Silas
Cotes, Chester
Cowles, Benjamin I.
Cowles, Ebenezer
Cowles, Elisha
Cowles, Isaac
Cowles, Thomas(?)
Cox, Silas
Crain(?), Samuel
Damon, Bela
Damon, Peter, Jr.
Danforth, Joel
Danon(?), William
Darrow, Elisha
Darrow, Quartus
Davey, Ebenezer
Davis, Johnathan
Degarise (Deguscia?), John
Degarise (Degusicia?), James W.
Deming, Levi
Derbyshire, Daniel
Dewey, Robert
Deyoria, Anthony
Doud, Richard
Doud, Seth
Dudly, William
Dunt, Franklin
Dwelly, Horatio N.
Eckhert, Abram
Edwards, Thomas L.
Enos, Jesse
Everitt, Josiah
Fairchild, John
Fellows, Hiram
Fellows, William
Fish, Uriah
Frances, John B.
Frazier, Charles
French, Ashbel
French, Ephraim B.
French, Jason C.
French, Joseph
Frisbie, Orrin F.
Gambell, James
Gambell, Squire
Gambell, William
Gardner, Henry
Gardner, Lodewick
Gardner, Lucien
Gardner, Rial L.
Gaylord, Eber
Gaylord, Hubbard
Gaylord, Jesse
Gaylord, Royce
Gaylord, William L.
Gilbert, Anson
Gilbert, Harry
Gillespie, Jacob
Gillman, James
Gladden, Johua
Gleason, Harrison C.
Goff, Nathaniel
Goff, Samuel
Goodell, Amos
Goodwin, Albert
Goodwin, Erastus
Goodwin, Marcus
Graves, Henry K.
Graves, Lucius
Griffin, Alfred
Griffin, Amos
Griffin, Amos H.
Griffin, Elijah
Griffin, Heman
Griffin, Isaac
Griffin, Lyman
Hadle, Frances H.
Hagadon, Ebenezer
Halbott, Daniel J.
Halbott, Hiram
Hall, Joseph
Hallenbeck, Baron
Harris, Johnathan D.
Haskins, Job I.
Hemingway, Seneca C.
Henderson, William
Hinman, Horatio A.
Hotchkiss, Lodivick
Hotchkiss, Salmon G.
Hotchkiss, Sidney
Howe, Parley
Hubbard, Oliver
Hudson, Abram
Hultz, Oliver W.
Hunt, Samuel
Ingerson, John I.
Ingerson, Peter(?)
Ingraham, Charles
Johnson, Robert
Johnston, John
Johnston, Michael
Jones, James
Jones, John
Kenyon, Ansel
Kenyon, Anthony
Kenyon, Asahel B.
Kenyon, Benjamin
Kenyon, Samuel
Kenyon, VanRensalaer, 2nd
King, Appollos
King, Hanson
King, Seymour
King, Thomas F.
Kingsley, Charles
Kingsley, Johnathan
Kingsley, Johnathan, Jr.
Kingsley, Lyman
Knight, Asa
Ladon, William
Leverick, Nathaniel W.
Livingston, Esther
Loomis, Nathaniel
Loomis, Nathaniel
Lord, Joseph S.
Lyon, Daniel
Lyon, Silas
Meeker, John
Merrell, Andrew
Merriman, Elisha G.
Merriman, Zephany
Merwin, Henry
Miller, Eber
Monk, Anna
Morehouse, Oliver
Morse, Samuel
Munson, Aaron
Munson, Alfred
Munson, Alpha
Munson, Lambertson
Murdock , Elisha
Newman, Ezekiel
Newman, Ira
Newman, William
Niles, Albert
Northrup, Ezekiel S.
Noyce, Joel
Noyes, Goodwin
Olcott, Anna
Olmsted, Jesse
Palmer, Amos
Parent(?), Thomas
Parsons, Gustavus A.
Parsons, Jared
Patridge, Frederick
Patten, Ruth
Patterson, James
Peck, Benjamin
Peirce, Nathan
Pelton, Elisha
Pelton, Moses
Perkins, Hiram
Perry, Benjamin
Picket, Samuel
Pinney, Orange
Pollock, Jacob
Pomeroy, Dorcus
Pomeroy, Richard
Pomeroy, Stephen
Prime, Abigal
Rayney, Robert
Redway, Almon F.
Redway, James
Redway, Thomas
Redway, Wilmoth
Rice, John
Rice, Levi
Rice, Luther
Rice, Mary
Rice, Merrick
Richardson, William
Roberts, Dennison
Roberts, Freeman
Roberts, Martin
Rogers, Benjamin
Ross, Daniel
Ross, Ichabod
Ross, John
Runnils, Benjamin P.
Russell, Peter
Rust, Silence
Sarr, William
Searle, Asahel H.
Searle, Ashbel
Searle, Nathaniel B.
Selkrig, William
Seymour, Elisha
Share, Henry C.
Shawl, Sebastian
Sheperdson, Elijah
Sherman, Charles
Sherwood, ___gas
Sherwood, Squire
Sims, Nathan
Slocum, Darius
Smith, Enos, Jun.
Smith, Franklin
Smith, Horatio
Smith, Welcom
Smulloy(?), Solomon S.
Spalding, Halim
Sparks, Jeremiah
Spaulding, Francis C.
Spaulding, Isaac
Spencer, Job
Spurks, Joseph
Stearns, Alpheus
Strong, Phineas
Taylor, William
Thompson, Barnard K.
Thompson, Betsey
Topping, Silas
Travis, Henry
Travis, Ichabod
Tuttle, Daniel
Tuttle, James G.
Van Antwerp, Abram
Vanbenthousen, Amanda(?)
Watson, William C.
Weaver, Erastus
Wellman, Asa
Wells, Luke
Wells, Sidney
Wheeler, Daniel, Jr.
Whitcomb, James
Whitman, Reed
Whitmore, Correll
Whitmore, Jabez R.
Whyler(?), David
Wilbur, Asa
Wilbur, Eliza
Wilbur, Ransom
Wilbur, Stephen
Wilbur, William
Wilkins, Abram
Willerd, David
Winegar (Oringer?), Moses
Winegar, Alfred
Wood, Abner
Wood, Seymour N.
Worthing, Johnathan
Young, Lester
Submitted 13 November 1998