Names Appearing in the 1830 Census
Town of Tully
Submitted by Kathy Crowell
Abbott, Isaac
Ackles, Charles
Ackles, Frederick
Ackles, John
Ackles, Moses
Allen, William M.
Archer, William
Arnold, James
Arnold, John
Austin, Edmund
Aylesworth, James P.
Aylesworth, Silas
Aywood, Gideon
Babcock, Lewis
Baily, Barton
Baily, Clarke, 2nd
Baily, David
Baily, Foster
Baily, Richard
Baily, Stephen
Baker, Ezra
Baker, Redman
Baker, Salom
Barnett, Christian P.
Barrett, David
Barrett, William
Beach, Jasper
Beers, Edwin
Bell, Joseph
Bellows, Zebulon D.
Bennett, Gershom
Bennett, John
Bennett, Peter
Bittles, Thomas
Bonats, Christian
Brown, John
Buckingham, Benjamin
Buckingham, Floyd
Burr, John
Burr, Thomas
Button, Perry
Camphill, Otis
Carr, Almond
Carr, Roswell
Carter, Adonijah
Carter, Rufus
Chafee, Joseph
Chapin, Hiram
Chapman, Oliver
Chapman, Orsemus
Chapman, Squire
Chase, Russell
Chase, Supply
Chevalier, Christian
Church, Elijah
Clarke, Augustus
Clarke, Chester
Clarke, William
Clarke, William A.
Clemmons, Jonathan
Collier, Elizabeth
Collier, Lambert
Comstock, Jason
Cotes(?), Justus
Crane, Elijah
Cummings, William
Cummins, Matthew D.
Dakins, John
Daniels, James B.
Daniels, Josiah
Dawns, William
Dean, Ephraim
Dempster, John
Eggleston, Quartus
Emmerson, Charles
English, Andrew
English, Andrew M.
English, John
Fairchild, David
Farrar, Deering
Fay, David
Fay, Salmon
Fellows, Daniel
Fellows, Darius
Fisk, Joseph
Fowler, Levi
Frazer, Alvah B.
French, Andrew
Fuller, Hiram
Fuller, Joel
Fuller, Matthew
Fuller, Matthew, Jun.
Gardner, William C.
Gibbs, Israel
Gifford, Silvester
Gilbert, Francis
Gilbert, John, Jun.
Gilbert, Trueman
Goodale, Betsey
Goodell, Abel
Goodell, Warren
Goodrich, Samuel F.
Gowing, George W.
Graham, Daniel
Graham, David
Graham, Elizabeth
Green, Archibald J.
Haynes, Thomas
Heath, Eleazer
Henderson, John
Henderson, Peter
Hewson, James
Hines, Samuel
Hiscock, Cody
Hiscock, Joel
Hoar, Amasa
Hoar, Dix
Hodge(s?), Isaac
Hodges, Curtiss
Hollenbeck, Abraham A.
Houck, Garret
Houck, George
Houck, Sarah
Houghtaling, Christopher
Howe, Isaac
Howell, Floyd
Howell, Nicol
Hoyt, Chauncey
Hughes, William
Huntington, Eleanor
Hutchinson, Samuel
Irish, Clarke
Irish, Job T.
Irish, Jonathan G.
Johnson, Esther
Johnson, Hiram
Johnson, Jacob
Kellery, James
Kellog, Seth W.
Kelly, William
King, Henry F.
Knapp, Eliza
Knight, Asa
Knowlton, Charles W.
Lake, Alvah W.
Lake, Daniel
Lansing, John W.
Lenson, Nicholas
Mc Evers, James
Meeker, John
Meeker, Silas
Miller, John
Morgan, Henry
Morgan, Lyman
Morse, Baruch
Morse, Ephraim
Morse, Joseph
Morse, Samuel
Newel, Daniel
Northrup, Harson(?)
Northrup, Ransom
Nostrant, James
O'Farrel, William M.
Orton, Henry
Ostrander, William M.
Out, Abraham
Out, Jacob
Out, John
Out, Mathias, Jun.
Out, Matthias
Paine, William
Palmer, James
Palmer, Ziba
Parmenter, David
Parmenter, Obed
Parsons, James
Patten, John
Patten, Samuel
Pearsall, John
Peck, Eli
Peck, Elisha A.
Potter, Hart
Potter, John
Potter, Knight
Pratt, Mason, Jun.
Reed, Hugh
Rider, Horace
Robinson, Polly
Rogers, Thomas
Sager, Edward
Salsbury, George
Salsbury, Nancy
Salsbury, Samuel
Satterlee, Salmon
Saunderson, Levi
Scammel, William
Sherman, Gilbert
Smith, Armenus
Smith, Guy
Smith, Hiall (Hiatt?)
Smith, Hopkin
Smith, Samuel A.
Smith, Sidney
Smith, Uriel
Smith, Zina
Sniffin, Deborah
Spence, Robert
Spencer, Thomas
Steel, David
Stoker, Benjamin
Stone, Samuel
Stowel, Francis E.
Strail, John
Strail, Martin
Streeter, Randolph
Strong, Ansyl
Stroud, Hinley(?)
Stroud, Morris
Stroud, Thomas
Tallman, Sabra
Tompkins, John
Tompkins, Joseph
Tompkins, William
Trowbridge, Milo
Trowbridge, Polly
Trowbridge, Samuel
Trowbridge, William
Trowbridge, William, Jun.
Tuttle, Abraham
Tuttle, Horace
Tuttle, Moses
Vail, Aaron
Vail, Daniel
Vail, James
Van Bergen, Henry
Van Buskirk, Benjamin
Van Buskirk, Samuel
Van Camp, Peter
Van Duson, Herman
Van Patton, Margarette
Van Patton, Phillip
Van Wormer, Isaac
Van Wormer, Lawrence
Walker, Lyman
Weed, Elijah
Wheaton, Silvester
Wheeler, Judson
Whitcomb, Orren
White, Elon N.
White, Francis V.
White, Jared
Wickham, James
Wilcox, Edward
Wilcox, Stephen
Willard, Harvey C.
Williams, David
Williams, George
Williams, James
Willson, Dennis
Willson, John
Winchell, Artemas
Winchell, Hiram
Winchell, Joseph
Winter, John
Woodmancy, Joseph
Woodmancy, Mason
Woodmancy, Rensselaer
Woodmancy, Varncom
Woodmancy, Waity
Wright, Henry
Submitted 1 November 1998