
If you have any Onondaga County books and/or resources in your library, please me know. We'll add you to this page.

NOTE:  Please add 'Onondaga Co. Books Lookup Request' in the subject line of your email request.

Name of Book or Resource
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1615-1878 Biographical and Historical Onondaga County Book

10,000 Vital Records of Central New York, 1813 - 1850.  Fred Q. Bowman. 1988. Darlene Joyce
1948 Syracuse city directory

John LaBarre
1915, 1929, 1947, 48, and 1962 Syracuse Directories

Baldwinsville High School Yearbooks, the "Lyre" for 1925, 1933, 1934, 1935, the "New Leaf" 1936, 1939, 1940, 1954, 1955. Information on class of 1899   Janet
Boyd's Syracuse City Directory, 1859-1860

Boyd's Syracuse City Directory, 1879-1880
Boyd's Syracuse City Directory, 1883-1884, including Geddes, Danforth, East Syracuse & Brighton

Patricia Ross
Marriage Index: Selected Areas of NY, 1639-1916 
1850 Census of NY 
1860 Census of NY 
1830 Census Selected Counties

Jim Leogue
The City of Syracuse and its Resources Illustrated. Compiled and Managed by H.J. Sutherland Published by The Syracuse NewsPublishing Company Syracuse, NY 1893  
Class of 1928 - Tenth Reunion Year Book
Syracuse University

Index of Names and Index of Photos
This was published in 1938 and contains short descriptions of where graduates of the class were ten years after graduation. It also contains photos of some of the class members taken about 1938.
Syracuse University
Mary Saggio
Deaths & Marriages 1850-1860 From The Files Of The Syracuse Chronicle,
The Daily Standard & The Madison Observer" by Minnie L. Kellogg,
published 1995.

Early Marriages from Newspapers Published in Central New York. By WilliamM. Beauchamp. Edited by Mary Keysor Meyer. Includes an Appendix of: Manlius,NY Obituaries and Marriages in the early 1800's. Supplied by H.C. Durston,Village Historian, Manlius, NY. Edited by Mary Keysor Meyer. William M. Beauchamp Kathy Blomquist
Early Marriages and Deaths from Newspapers Published in Central NewYork and from the Records of the Pioneer Association of Onondaga County Collected by Rev. Dr. William M. Beauchamp
Selected and Arranged by Mrs. Grace Beauchamp Lodder of the SyracusePublic Library, April, 1933. 
William M. Beauchamp Lorna Marks
Index of Awards on claims of the Soldiers of the War of 1812
Darrell Thurman
MAJOR MOSES DEWITT & HIS RELATIVES IN ONONDAGA, NY PLUS INDEX Rev. William M. Beauchamp, 1918 -- Index by Dick Rose Dick Rose 
Historical Review of the Town of Lysander Miss Pearl PALMER
new edition compiled by Robert NOSTRANT in 1997
Dick Hillenbrand
MARCELLUS CENSUS RECORDS INDEXED for the 19th Century (both Federal and State Censuses) 
John Curtin
MARCELLUS CEMETERY RECORDS - St. Francis Xavier Catholic Cemetery, Highland Cemetery and the Marcellus Village Cemetery
John Curtin
NY Labor Unions  NY Cemeteries  NY Funeral Directors  NY Historical Societies  NY Churches  NE Genealogical Societies
Nine Mile Country: The History of the Town of
Marcellus NY
Kathryn Heffernan c. 1978 Kate K McGahan
"Notable Men Of Central New York" published by Dwight J. Stoddard, 1903.  This is a "mug book" of pictures of over 1,400 people who were "prominent and noteworthy men, present and past".  Included are up to three lines of description of the person and/or his business.  Covers Syracuse, Auburn, Fulton,  Little Falls, Oneida, Oswego, Rome, Utica and Watertown.

ONONDAGA; OR REMINISCENCES OF EARLIER AND LATER TIMES, VOLS. 1 & 2 (not indexed) Joshua V. H. Clark, A.M., 1849  
ONONDAGA COUNTY NEW YORK WILL TESTATORS INDEX 1796-1867 W. David Samuelsen, 1996 W. David Samuelsen (visit his web site by clicking on the link at the left)
THE PIONEER IRISH OF ONONDAGA Theresa Bannon, 1911 John Curtin
Polk's Greater Syracuse Directory 1943 R. L. Polk & Co. Inc.
Paula Ligoci
Polk's Syracuse City Directory 1958 R. L. Polk & Co. Inc.
Paula Ligoci
Index To Names in the Reunion & History of Pompey, New York 1875.  Compiled by Walter L. Van Brocklin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.1960.  
RUGGLES REGIMENT, the history of the 
122nd NY Vol Regiment from Onondaga County
David Swiffen, 1982 Leo Titus, Jr.
Membership Records of Seventh Day Baptists of Central New York State,1797-1940's Ilou M Sanford Bill Ladd
Spafford Mortuary Records and Genealogical Notes, by Capt. George Knapp Collins, 1902, published by OHA

Carole Taylor
The Syracuse Directory, Including Solvay 1938
Sampson & Murdock Co. Inc.
Paula Ligoci
Syracuse City Directories up to 1935
Please provide Surname and the years to be searched

Joyce Fesler
"Syracuse And Its Environs" by Franklin P. Chase, published by the
Lewis Historical Publishing Company, Inc., 1924.  483 pages of
biographical information on 3000+ individuals, and 875 pages of Syracuse
area history.

TULLY Cemetery Records 
VESPER Cemetery Records

Frank Henderson
THE LESLEY E. VOORHEES RECORDS, VOL. 1 --This contains much information on the Town of Van Buren, Baldwinsvilleand Lysander areas, including Cemetery and Burial Records.
Susan Herb
Early History of the Town of Van Buren" by Scisco Scisco Bev Sierpina Baldwinsville, NY
Vol 1 of "The Lesley E. Voorhees Records" which is an index to "VanBuren - Baldwinsville - Lysander area cemetery inscription and burial records." Lesley E. Voorhees Bev Sierpina Baldwinsville, NY


Online since 22 Sept 1996!

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© Pamela Priest, Onondaga County Coordinator, 1996-2015
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