Onondaga County Postcards

From the Postcard Collection of Margaret Wicks

Scanned and Formatted by Pamela Priest

Postcard Title
The Alhambra, Syracuse, N.Y.
American Publicity Co., P. O. Box 561, Syracuse, N.Y.

New York State Armory, Syracuse, N.Y.
No. 2186 National Art Views Co., N.Y. City

#342 State Armory, Syracuse, N.Y.
Rudolph Bros., Manufacturers, Syracuse, N.Y.

The Zoo, Burnet Park, Syracuse, N.Y.
Published by Wm. Jubb Co., Inc., Syracuse, N.Y.
C. T. American Art, Chicago

Carnegie Library, Syracuse, New York
No. 7247.  Made in Germany.  MNCo. trademark.

City Hall, Syracuse, N.Y.
No. 4-5

#2276 - City Hall, Syracuse, N.Y.
Souvenir Post Card Co., New York and Berlin

#2281 - Clinton Square, Syracuse, N.Y.
Souvenir Post Card Co., New York and Berlin

#2287 - New Court House, Syracuse, N.Y.
Souvenir Post Card Co., New York and Berlin

Court House, Syracuse, N.Y.
No. 1.  Published by William Jubb, Syracuse, N.Y. and Leipzig.
Made in Germany.  44986

Court House, Syracuse, N.Y.
204,394 JV
Wm. Valentine  Sons' Publishing Co., Ltd., New York.
Printed in Great Britain.

East Fayette Street, facing the Park, Syracuse, N.Y.
No. 79.  Published by William F. Shoudy, Syracuse, N.Y.
Made in Germany.

Fayette Street, Syracuse, N.Y.
Published by Wm. Jubb Co., Inc., Syracuse, N.Y.  Made in U.S.A.

#460 First Baptist Church and Home of The Mizpah, Syracuse, N.Y.
Published by Wm. Jubb Co., Syracuse, N.Y.  Made in U.S.A.

First Presbyterian Church, Syracuse, N.Y.
The H. Hagemeister Co., New York.  Made in Germany.

New Syracuse High School, Syracuse, N.Y.
Published by The American News Company, New York.
Leipzig, Berlin and Dresdin.
Litho-Chrome trade-mark
Order No. A 10492

High School, Syracuse, N.Y.
Published by Wm. Jubb, Syracuse, N.Y.  Made in U.S.A.

In Hopper's Glen, near Syracuse
The Hugh C. Leighton Co., Manufacturers, Portland, ME., U.S.A.
Printed in Frankfort º/Main, Germany. No. 771.
The Hunter, Tuppen Company's Building, Syracuse, N.Y.

#8497 Upper James Street, Syracuse, N.Y.
Copyright, 1904, by Detroit Photographic Co.

#458 The Jefferson Hotel, Syracuse, N.Y.
Published by Wm. Jubb Co., Syracuse, N.Y.  Made in U.S.A.

#378 - Jefferson Street, Looking East, Syracuse, N.Y.
Rudolph Bros., Manufacturers, Syracuse, N.Y.

Kirkpatrick Memorial, Washington Park, Syracuse, N.Y.
American Publicity Co., P. O. Box 561, Syracuse, N.Y.

The Manhattan Hotel, Syracuse, N.Y.
The Popular Priced House of Central N.Y.
New York Central R. R. Station, Syracuse, N.Y.
The Rotograph Co. N.Y. City
Printed in Germany
E 2185

Onondaga Bank, Syracuse, N.Y.
#5573 Published by The American News Company
New York, Leipzig, Dresden

Onondaga Bank Building, Syracuse, N.Y.

Onondaga Circle, Syracuse, N.Y.

South Salina Street Bridge, 1840, Syracuse, N.Y.
No. 83.  published by William F. Shoudy, Syracuse, N.Y.
Made in Germany

#11899 - South Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Souvenir Post Card Co., New York
Printed in Germany

Scene at the Salt Fields, Syracuse, N.Y.
H. L. Woehler, Buffalo, N.Y. & Dresden, Germany
#310 - Solar Salt Works, Syracuse, N.Y.
Rudolph Bros., Manufacturers, Syracuse, N.Y.
Syracuse Salt Yards, Syracuse, N.Y.
Published by William Jubb, Syracuse, N.Y. and Leipzig.

#32190, Bird's Eye View of Syracuse Fair, Syracuse, N.Y.
Pub. by Ralph Finney, Times Square Station, N. Y. City

Entrance to New York State Fair Grounds
Made by Central City Engraving Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

Flower Scene at New York State Fair
Made by Central City Engraving Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

Gov. Hughes & Staff
Also State Fair Commissioners, Syracuse, N.Y.
Pub. by Ralph Finney, Times Square Station, N.Y. City

#32199 Interior of Mfrs. & Liberal Arts Bldgs.
Syracuse Fair
Syracuse, N.Y.
Pub. by Ralph Finney, Times Square Station, N.Y. City

#32196 Mfrs. & Liberal Arts Bldgs.
Syracuse Fair
Syracuse, N.Y.
Pub. by Ralph Finney, Times Square Station, N.Y. City

New Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Bldg.
First New Building towards Larger State Fair,
cost $220,000.  Floor space 64,000 sq. feet,
covering an area of 500 x 120 feet.
Wm. E. Shoudy, Syracuse, N.Y.

New Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Bldg.
First New Building towards Larger State Fair,
cost $220,000.  Floor space 64,000 sq. feet,
covering an area of 500 x 120 feet.
Wm. E. Shoudy, Syracuse, N.Y.

#32201 Moss House, Syracuse Fair, Syracuse, N.Y.
Pub. by Ralph Finney, Times Square Station, N.Y. City

#32203 Parade of Prize Cattle, Syracuse Fair, Syracuse, N.Y.
Pub. by Ralph Finney, Times Square Station, N.Y. City

View on Race Track, New York State Fair
Made by Central City Engraving Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

New York State Fair, Syracuse, N.Y.

Scene at the State Fair Grounds
Made by Central City Engraving Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

Scene at the Fair Grounds
Made by Central City Engraving Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

A Street Scene During State Fair
Made by Central City Engraving Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

#32191 Diving Horses Syracuse Fair, Syracuse, N.Y.
Pub. by Ralph Finney, Times Square Station, N.Y. City

Grand Stand Scene, New York State Fair Grounds
Made by Central City Engraving Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

#32194 N.Y. State Grange Building, Syracuse, N.Y.
Pub. by Ralph Finney, Times Square Station, N.Y. City

Interior New Manufacturers & Liberal Arts Bldg.
N. Y. State Fair Grounds
Good blood means good health.  BLISS NA-
TIVE HERBS, the great blood remedy, con-
tains nothing but the curative properties which
Nature furnishes in Herbs, Roots and Barks.
Use Bliss Native Herbs.  200 doses $1.00 and
your dollar back if it fails to benefit you.
The Alonzo O. Bliss Company, 316 Dillaye
Bldg., Syracuse, N.Y.

New Manufacturers & Liberal Arts Bldg.
N. Y. State Fair Grounds
First of all remember the Bliss Tour to Wash-
ington, D.C., October 5th, going via New
York and Philadelphia, returning via Harris-
burg and Canandaigua.  One price includes
entire expense for 8 days.  A. K. Carter of 316
Dillaye Bldg., Syracuse, N.Y., who accompanies
each party, will gladly furnish full particulars.

New Manufacturers & Liberal Arts Bldg.
N. Y. State Fair Grounds
First of all remember the Bliss Tour to Wash-
ington, D.C., October 5th, going via New
York and Philadelphia, returning via Harris-
burg and Canandaigua.  One price includes
entire expense for 8 days.  A. K. Carter of 316
Dillaye Bldg., Syracuse, N.Y., who accompanies
each party, will gladly furnish full particulars.

View of Liberal Arts Building, New York State Fair.
Presented with the Compliments of Central City
Business School, Syracuse, N.Y.
A Successful School because its Graduates Succeed.
Allied Printing Trade Council Union Label, Syracuse

#32198 General View of Midway, Syracuse Fair
Syracuse, N.Y.
Pub. by Ralph Finney, Times Square Station, N.Y. City

On the Midway, N.Y. State Fair
Mailed from State Fair Booth of The Alonzo O.
Bliss Co., manufacturers of Bliss Native Herbs.
A. K. Carter, manager and promoter of Bliss
Excursions to Washington, D.C., Jamestown
Exposition and Philadelphia.  $37.50 includes
entire expense of the trip as per folder
furnished upon application.

New York State Fair Scene
Made by Central City Engraving Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

View of State Fair Grounds
Made by Central City Engraving Co., Syracuse, N.Y.

State Tower Building, City Hall and State Office Building,
Syracuse, N.Y.

The State Tower Building, Syracuse, N.Y.
Syracuse's tallest office building and a downtown
"landmark".  A prestige address in the heart of the
banking and financial district.  Located at the hub of
downtown, in the area of Clinton Square, "one of
the largest urban developments in the country" and
"the largest single redevelopment proposal in the
city's history."  The building is never closed, and has
a 200 car garage attached.  Sixty seconds from Inter-
state Route 81, seven minutes from N.Y. State Thru-
Pulished by Wm. Jubb Co., Inc.,
Syracuse, N.Y. 13224

Syracuse Memorial Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y.
Syracuse Memorial Hospital has facilities
for 600 patients.  Cost two and one half million dollars
and is equipped with all of the latest material for caring
for the sick.  It is rated as one of the finest hospitals in
Pub. by Wm. Jubb Co., Inc., Syracuse, N.Y.

#331 - Syracuse Savings Bank Building, Syracuse, N.Y.
Rudolph Bros., Manufacturers, Syracuse, N.Y.


Crouse College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University
Made in Syracuse, N.Y., by American Publicity Co.

Haven Hall
Syracuse Series

Haven Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.
Souvenir Postal Cards, Syracuse, N.Y.
Made in Germany

Lyman Hall of Natural History, Syracuse University
Published by Student Supply Store, Syracuse, N.Y.
Hand-Colored Post Card

Margaret Olivia Slocum College, Syracuse University
Dey Brothers & Company, Syracuse, N.Y. [?]
Made in Syracuse, N.Y., by American Publicity Co.
Van Ranke Library, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.

Tubbert's Court at North Salina Street, Syracuse, N.Y.
Famous for foods.  Fish, lobster, frog,
steak and chicken dinners.  Special Noon-
day lunches.  Reservations for parties.
Phone 2-3457.
Published by Wm. Jubb Co., Inc., Syracuse, N.Y.

#348 - Union Block and Crescent Theatre, Syracuse, N.Y.
Rudolph Bros., Manufacturers, Syracuse, N.Y.

University Block, Syracuse, N.Y.
Souvenir Postal Cards, Syracuse, N.Y.
Made in Germany.

#312 - Onondaga County Yacht Club, Syracuse, N.Y.
Rudolph Bros., Manufacturers, Syracuse, N.Y.

The Yates, Syracuse, N.Y.
Photo Only.  Copyright 1905 by The Rotograph Co.,
N.Y. City.  Printed in Germany.

Submitted 22 April 2006