Town of Pompey, New York

1790 - 1799

Submitted by Kathy Crowell.  E-mail:

The town of Pompey originally included the towns of  Fabius, Preble, Scott and Tully, and parts of Cuyler, LaFayette, Onondaga, Otisco, Spafford, and Truxton.

Spellings are as they appear in courthouse records, so be sure to check alternate spellings.

Ackler, John to Abraham Freer 1795 (1CF,582) lot 70
Affleck, Ann, Robert to Samuel Beebee 1796 (1CR,397) lot 68
Alkyser, George, Mary to W. Radclift, Jr. 1795 (1CF,585) lot 74
Allen, Thomas to J. Blanchard 1795 (1CF,603) lot 90
Annin, Joseph to Levi Jerome 1795 (1CR,260) lot 29
Annin, Joseph to Isaac Hall 1799 (A,88) lot 75
Bartholomew, Esther, Joseph to W. R. Lewis 1799 (A,122) lot 10
Bassett, Eleanor, widow of John Bassett to J. S. Kipp 1795 (1CR,252) lot 55
Bateman, John by Atty. to John Jacob Astor of New York City and Peter Smith,  merchant, Herkimer Co. 1792 (2CF,200) lot 44
Bateman, John by Atty. to John Jacob Astor and Peter Smith 1796 (2CF,201) lot 44
Bateman, John to Elmer Cushing 1792 (2CF,204) lot 44 Power of Atty.
Beardslee, John to Robert C. Johnson 1796 (1CR,278) lot 43
Beebee, Samuel to J. Wilcox 1799 (A,10) lot 68
Bell, William to W. Wood 1796 (1CR,331) lot 52
Benedict, Phebe, Timothy to P. VanCortlandt & ano. 1795 (1CF,590) lot 80
Benedict, Timothy to J. W. Watkins 1795 (1CF,605) lot 94
Blanchard, John to S. Beebee 1795 (1CF,603) lot 90
Blauvelt, Isaac A., Marretye to A. Calhoun et al. 1798 (1CR,593) lot 5
Bogert, Isaac to J. Gold 1795 (2CF,127) lots 15,37
Bogg, John to A. McDougall 1791 (1CR,597) lot 86
Bond, Barnard to I. Battle 1795 (1CR,235) lot 41
Bostwick, Salmon to J. F. Seler 1799 (1CF,600) lot 89
Brant, Christian to Isaac Smith 1795 (1CR,250) lot 41
Brant, Christian to G. B. Fisher & ano. 1794 (1CF,553) lot 41
Briggs, Jonathan by Atty &c. to J. Carpenter 1795 (2CF,39) lot 61
Briggs, Joshua, Tryphene et al. to Samuel Messenger and Samuel Edwards of the town of  Pompey 1795 (1CR,326) lot 21
Briggs, Joshua, Triphene & ano. to Daniel and Smith Hibbard of the town of Pompey  1796 (1CR,328) lot 82
Briggs, Joshua to S. Woodworth of Cazenovia 1797 (1CR,430) lot 33
Briggs, Joshua, Tryphene et al. to Charles Roys 1798 (1CR,562) lot 21
Brown, John to L. Cobb 1798 (1CR,554) lots 64,26
Brown, John, Grace by Exr. to L. Cobb 1798 (1CR,555) lot 26
Brown, John to A. McDougall 1792 (1CF,575) lot 64
Bunall, Francis N., Jonathan to G. D. Wickham 1795 (1CR,253) lot 52
Burch, Philip to E. Cumpston 1799 (1CF,570) lot 59
Burch, Philip to E. Cumpston 1795 (1CF,571) lot 59
Burr, Ozias, Olive to W. Cook 1795 (1CF,565) lot 54
Burr, Ozias, Olive to N. Mighell 1795 (1CF,566) lot 54
Burr, Ozias, Rhoda of Pompey to Samuel Sidney of Cazenovia of the town of Chenango  1799 (A,46) lot 44
Bush, Conrod to E. Jackson 1796 (1CR,404) lot 47
Butler, Ebenezer, Jr., Rabekah to B. Butler 1798 (1CR,558) lot 64
Butler, Ebenezer, Jr., Rebekah to S. Butler 1798 (1CR,559) lot 64
Butler, Ebenezer, Jr., Rebekah to E. Hart 1798 (1CR,588) lot 64
Butler, Ebenezer, Jr. to N. Davis, Jr. 1799 (1CR,613) lot 65
Butler, Ebenezer, Jr. to J. Willard 1799 (1CR,614) lot 65
Cade, Palmer et ano. to Ozias Burr 1795 (1CF,564) lot 54
Caldwell, Philip by Atty. to G. Pearson 1796 (1CR,281) lot 34
Caldwell, Philip to J. Caldwell 1796 (1CR,318) lot 34
Caldwell, Philip to J. Caldwell 1797 (1CF,547) lot 34
Camp, Elisha to W. Duer 1795 (2CF,125) lot 100
Camp, Elisha to W. Constable 1795 (1CF,531) lot 22
Camp, Elisha to J. Shavelear 1799 (1CF,531) lot 22
Carpenter, John to J. Jackson 1799 (A,22) lot 61
Carpenter, John to J. Jackson 1799 (A,23) lot 61
Chapin, Leonard to S. Broome 1791 (1CF,557) lot 46
Clark, Ebenezer to E. Peck 1798 (1CR,556) lot 23
Clark, Erastus, Sophia to L. Farnham 1799 (A,70) lot 81
Clarke, Eleanor, James B. to L. Lefferts 1799 (1CR,623) lot 87
Clarke, Elenor, James B. et al. to R. Pixley 1796 (1CR,311) lot 78+
Clingman, Jacob & ano. to B. Livingston 1795 (1CF,545) lot 32
Clingman, Jacob to J. B. Clarke & ano. 1795 (1CF,594) lot 82
Clinton, James to M. DeWitt 1795 (1CF,507) lot 3
Coalman, Israel to R. Shuter 1798 (1CR,119) lot 23
Cockburn, William to J. W. Gold 1795 (1CR,234) lot 19
Coleman, Israel to E. Clark 1798 (1CR,1) lot 23
Coleman, Israel to R. Shuter 1797 (1CR,463) lot 23
Coleman, Israel to Ebenezer Clark 1798 (1CF,531) lot 23
Colford, Asa (brother and heir of Mathew Colford) to Joshua Briggs 1795 (1CF,527) lot  21
Colford, Asa to Joshua Briggs 1795 (1CF,528) lot 21 P. of Atty.
Colford, Asa (brother and heir of Mathew Colford) & ano. to James B. Clarke of NYC)  1799 (1CF,528) lot 21
Conyer, Peter to P. Van Alstine 1795 (1CF,522) lot 12
Cooper, William to O. Parker 1795 (1CR,175) lot 10
Cooper, William to Thomas R. Gold 1798 (1CR,583) lot 10
Cropsey, Jesper to A. Sacket 1795 (1CF,598) lot 87
Crosby, David to W. W. Morris & ano. 1791 (1CF,573) lot 61
Crosby, David by Assn. to J. Carpenter 1795 (2CF,39) lot 61
Cumpston, Edward to N. Platt 1795 (1CR,183) lot 100
Cumpston, Edward to N. Platt 1795 (1CR,184) lot 39
Cumpston, Edward to J. Van Rensselear 1799 (1CF,513) lot 9
Cumpston, Edward to J. Van Rensselear & ano. 1799 (1CF,572) lot 59
Cumpston, Edward to N. Platt 1795 (2CF,127) lot 39
Curvin, Edwin to E. Kellogg, Jr. 1795 (1CF,576) lot 66 P. of Atty.
Curvin, Edwin to D. Delivan 1795 (1CF,577) lot 66
Danforth, Aa, Hannah to R. Hiscock 1797 (1CR,468) lot 27
Danforth, Asa to O. Sweet 1799 (A,8) lot 27
Day, Lewis to A. Starkwather 1797 (1CR,445) lot 12
Dean, Ashbel to S. Thorn 1795 (1CF,589) lot 80
DeLavin, Daniel to P. VanCortland 1795 (1CR,223) lot 66
Devrance, John to J. Clingman 1793 (1CF,593) lot 82
Devrance, Samuel H., heir of John H. Devrance to J. Briggs 1795 (1CF,593) lot 82
Dobson, John to B. Connolly 1796 (1CR,335) lot 56
Dobson, John to H. A. Townsend 1798 (1CF,568) lot 56
Draper, Samuel to A. Ackley 1795 (1CF,584) lot 70
Duer, William by Shff. to J. Greenleaf 1798 (1CR,525) lot 68
Dunbar, William to B. Wallace et al. 1795 (1CR,249) lot 1
Edigh, Conrad, Catharine et al. to Thomas R. Gold 1794 (1CF,547) lot 36
Edwards, Richard to E. Watson 1795 (2CF,77) lot 83+
Ekeler, John to A. Freer 1795 (1CF,582) lot 70
Elliott, heirs of Henry et al. to C. Thompson 1799 (A,99) lot 87
Elliott, Henry, Olly, et al., heirs of Henry Elliott et al. 1795 to W. Thompson 1795  (1CR,239) lot 87
Elliott, Isaac, heir of Henry Elliott to A. Sacket 1795 (1CF,599) lot 87
Elliott, Jacob, heir of Henry Elliott to J. Cropsey 1795 (1CF,598) lot 87
Elliott, John, heir of Henry Elliott 1797 (1CR,511) lot 87
Elliott, Olly, heir of Henry Elliott to A. Sacket 1795 (1CF,599) lot 87
Elmendorf, Eliza, Peter E. to R. Pixley 1796 (1CR,310) lot 78
Fish, Nicholas to A. Smith et al. 1796 (1CR,307) lot 40
Fish, Nicholas to J. McCluer 1795 (1CF,582) lot 70
Fletcher, James, eldest son & heir of of Laurence Fletcher alias Samuel to William J.  Vredenburgh 1795 (1CF,588) lot 78
Forbus, Samuel to T. White 1796 (1CR,348) lot 90
Freer, Abraham to N. Fish 1795 (1CF,582) lot 70
Geeson, Mathew to N. Rockwell 1795 (1CF,550) lot 40
Gold, Thomas R. to admrs. of W. Ward 1796 (1CR,387) lot 10
Gould, Daniel, heir of John Gould to J. Wood 1795 (1CF,595) lot 84
Gould, Jeremiah to T. Coe 1795 (1CR,216) lot 37
Gould, Jeremiah, Mary to J. Hull 1796 (1CR,328) lot 35
Gridley, Elihu & ano. to O. Burr 1795 (1CF,564) lot 54
Grover, Benjamin to N. Weston 1798 (1CR,589) lot 5
Hamtramck, John to M. Connolly 1795 (2CF,135) lot 91
Harvey, Elisha to J. Morse, Jr. 1795 (1CF,533) lot 24
Haskin, William to J. Griffis 1796 (1CR,325) lot 48
Haskin, William to T. Hall 1799 (A,3) lot 13
Haskins, William to R. Hustis 1798 (1CR,544) lot 13

Henderson, William to W. Constable 1795 (1CF,515) lot 10
Hess, Johann Jost to J. VanRensselear 1795 (1CF,566,567) lot 55
Hilty, Conrad, Catharine et al. to T. R. Gold 1794 (1CF,547) lot 36
Hopkins, Judah to D. Demming 1799 (A,14) lot 5
Hull, Abather to A. Hull 1796 (1CR,392) lot 45
Hull, Abather to W. Wood 1797 (1CR,455) lot 60
Hull, Abather by Atty. to B. Legget 1798 (1CR,529) lot 45
Hull, Ezra to E. Butler, Jr. 1795 (1CF,576) lot 65
Hull, Jabez to J. Low 1796 (1CR,329) lot 35
Hull, Jabez to N. Hoyt 1796 (1CR,330) lot 30
Hull, Jabez to C. Vernal, Jr. 1799 (1CR,645) lot 35, pow. of atty.
Hunter, Anna, Elijah to P. Van Cortland 1795 (1CF,585) lot 72
Hustin, Penelope, William et al. to A. Wilson 1795 (2CF,139) lot 98
Hyle, George, son and heir of Mayera Hyle who was the sister & heir of Conrad to  Samuel Sackett 1795 (1CF,588) lot 79
Ittig, Conrad, Catharine et al. to T. R. Gold 1794 (1CR,547) lot 36
Jackson, Elias by Shff. to R. Jordan 1798 (1CR,542) lot 9+
Janson, Christiana, Cornelius T. to D. Green 1796 (1CR,360) lot 42
Johnson, Robert C. to J. B. Beardslee 1796 (1CR,93) lot 43 p. of atty.
Johnson, Robert C. to J. Beardslee 1796 (1CR,277) lot 43
Jost Hess, Johann et al. to J. Van Rensselear 1795 (1CF,566) lot 55
Jost Hess, Johann et al. to J. Van Rensselear 1795 (1CF,567) lot 55
Judson, Joab to L. Jerome 1795 (1CR,259) lot 12
Judson, Joab to S. Edwards 1797 (1CR,464) lot 12
Judson, Joab to C. Tripp 1795 (1CF,518) lot 12
Judson, Joab to D. Tripp 1792 (1CF,519) lot 12
Judson, Joab to D. Tripp 1795 (1CF,520) lot 12
Judson, Joab to E. Prichard 1795 (1CF,520) lot 12
Judson, Joab to C. Tripp 1792 (1CF,521) lot 12
Kelcy, Daniel to E. Childs, et al. 1797 (1CR,454) lot 33
Keley, Daniel, heir of Benjamin to R. Smith 1796 (1CR,332) lot 33
Kellogg, Eliphalet, Jr. to J. B. Clarke et al. 1795 (1CF,576) lot 66
Kelso, Benjamin to J. Briggs 1797 (1CR,110) lot 33
Kelso, Benjamin to E. Marvin 1795 (1CR,192) lot 33
Kelso, Benjamin to G. Ball 1795 (1CR,244) lot 33
Kely, Benjamin to G. Bartholomew & ano. 1799 (1CF,547) lot 33
Ketcham, Charity, Joseph to B. Pelton 1795 (1CR,257) lot 16
Ketcham, Charity, Joseph to B. Pelton 1795 (1CF,525) lot 16
Kinny, Charles to E. Clark 1791 (1CF,559) lot 50
Lacky, Hugh et al. to D. Hibbard & ano. 1796 (1CR,328) lot 82
Lacky, Hugh et al. to S. Messenger et al. 1796 (1CR,326) lot 21
Lacky, Hugh et al. to C. Roys 1798 (1CR,562) lot 21
Lambert, John to N. Williams 1796 (1CR,407) lot 28
Leaster, Michael to J. Van Rensselear 1795 (1CF,508) lot 6
Lewis, Samuel, Sarah to J. Tayler 1795 (2CF,132) lot 84
Lewis, Abel, Azubah to P. Lumbard 1799 (A,45) lot 70
Lord, William to J. McCarthy 1795 (2CF,124) lot 2
Lord, William to J. McCarthy 1795 (2CF,125) lot 2
Lowell, Ebenezer to J. Hoar 1794 (1CR,86) lot 48
Major, George & ano. to S. Sackett 1795 (1CF,588) lot 79
Marey, Zebulon to Z. Platt 1795 (1CR,579) lot 1
McAlpine, Mary & ano. to J. B. Clarke 1799 (1CF,528) lot 21
McCluer, James to S. Draper 1795 (1CF,583) lot 70
McCluer, James to J. Lamb 1795 (1CF,583) lot 70
McCoy, James to E. Cumpston 1795 (1CF,607) lot 100
McCoy, James to E. Camp 1795 (1CF,607) lot 100
McCoy, James by Atty. to E. Cumpston 1795 (1CF,607) lot 100
McCoy, James by Atty. to W. Duer 1795 (2CF,125) lot 100
McGowen, Jeremiah to R. Towt 1796 (1CR,98) lot 7
McGowen, Jeremiah to R. Towt 1797 (1CF,509) lot 7
Medler, Christopher by Atty. to B. Livingston 1795 (1CF,546) lot 32
Merancy, Joseph to P. Nestell 1795 (1CF,543) lot 30
Merancy, Joseph to D. Quinton 1795 (1CF,543) lot 30
Mighell, Nathaniel, Jr. to D. Allen 1795 (1CF,564) lot 54
Miller, Henry to S. Curry 1795 (1CF,549) lot 39
Miller, Henry to E. Cumpston 1795 (1CF,549) lot 39
Miller, Henry by Atty to E. Cumpston 1795 (1CF,549) lot 39
Miller, James by Atty. to F. M. Wickham 1799 (1CF,562) lot 52
Morgan, Joseph to T. Fowler 1792 (1CF,526) lot 18
Morison, David to S. Van Antwerp 1794 (1CF,569) lot 58
Morris, William W. to J. Hallett 1795 (2CF,129) lot 51
Murray, William to J. Schuyler & ano. 1795 (1CR,268) lot 27
Murray, William by Atty. to J. Robison & ano. 1795 (1CF,538) lot 27
Murray, William by Atty. to J. Robison & ano. 1795 (1CF,538) lot 27
Nelsen, John to D. Woodbridge 1795 (1CF,558) lot 49
Nelsen, Thomas to A. Jones 1795 (1CF,516) lot 11
O'Brien, Thomas to A. McDougall 1794 (1CF,584) lot 71
O'Bryan, Thomas to J. C. Yates et al. 1797 (1CR,432) lot 71
Olcott, Hezekiah to R. S. Culver 1799 (A,85) lot 48
Onderdonk, Titus to D. Holbrook 1796 (1CR,313) lot 5
Onon. Comrs. to A. Hyatt 1799 (Awards, 29) lot 14
Onon. Comrs. to J. Caldwell 1799 (Awards, 30) lot 34
Onon. Comrs. to S. Beebe 1799 (Awards, 63, lot 68
Onon. Comrs. to N. Weston 1799 (Awards, 71) lot 5
Onon. Comrs. to A. White et al. 1798 (Awards, 76) lot 92
Onon. Comrs. to J. Fisher et al. 1798 (Awards, 98) lot 33
Onon. Comrs. to P. Van Cortlandt 1798 (Awards, 99) lot 66
Onon. Comrs. to P. Van Cortlandt 1798 (Awards, 99) lot 72
Onon. Comrs. to B. Wallace 1798 (Awards, 100) lot 1
Onon. Comrs. to H. A. Townsend 1798 (Awards, 109) lot 56
Onon. Comrs. to J. Patterson et al. 1798 (Awards, 112) lot 46
Onon. Comrs. to to W. Cockburn 1798 (Awards, 113) lot 88
Onon. Comrs. to N. Platt 1798 (Awards, 114) lot 1
Onon. Comrs. to J. Medler et al. 1798 (Awards, 119) lot 32
Onon. Comrs. to S. Curry 1798 (Awards, 121) lot 39
Onon. Comrs. to E. Clark 1798 (Awards, 124) lot 23
Onon. Comrs. to T. U. W. Graham 1798 (Awards, 140) lot 66
Onon. Comrs. to E. Watson 1798  (Awards, 147) lot 1
Onon. Comrs. to E. Watson 1798 (Awards, 148) lot 83
Onon. Comrs. to T. U. W. Graham 1798 (Awards, 153) lot 72
Onon. Comrs. to S Messenger 1799 (Awards, 263) lot 9
Onon. Comrs. to to S. N. Bayard 1799 (Awards, 266) lot 90
Onon. Comrs. to to T. U. W. Graham 1799 (Awards, 276) lot 63
Onon. Comrs. to to T. U. W. Graham (Awards, 276) lot 78
Onon. Comrs. to R. Troup 1799 (Awards, 277) lot 43
Onon. Comrs. to to R. Troup 1799 (Awards, 277) lot 53
Onon. Comrs. to T. U. W. Graham 1799 (Awards, 278) lot 82
Onon. Comrs. to T. U. W. Graham 1799 (Awards, 278) lot 90
Onon. Comrs. to J. D. Dickenson 1799 (Awards, 288) lot 66
Onon. Comrs. to R. Troup (Awards, 352) lot 43
Ostrander, Catharine, Peter et al. to A. White et al. 1797 (1CR,513) lot 92
Parsons, Charles to J. Holbrook, Jr. 1793 (1CF,562) lot 53
Pearson, George to J. Caldwell 1796 (1CR,323) lot 34
Phillips, Moses to J. Grant 1798 (1CF,341) lot 30
Platt, Nathaniel, Zephaniah to J. Platt 1792 (1CR,103) lots 39,100
Platt, Zephaniah to W. Thorn 1798 (1CR,580) lot 1
Powell, Stephen to J. Sprage 1795 (1CR,252) lot 17
Preston, Otheniel to L. Stevens 1796 (1CR,282) lot 88
Preston, Otheniel to Thomas Tillotson 1795 (1CF,599) lot 88
Preston, Otheniel by Atty. to Thomas Tillotson 1795 (2CF,8) lot 88
Pryor, Abner by Atty. to W. W. Morris 1795 (2CF,130) lot 51
Purdey, James to E. Fitch 1798 (1CR,117) lot 94
Purdy, Joseph to S. Beebee 1798 (1CR,594) lot 26
Purdy, Joseph to E. Willard 1795 (1CF,535) lot 26
Purdy, James to P. Luk 1795 (1CF,604) lot 94
Quackenbos, Catharine, John to H. Ten Brook 1795 (2CF,59) lot 86+
Queen, Christopher by Ass'ne & ano. to W. Duer 1795 (2CF,125) lot 100
Quinton, David to W. Duer 1795 (1CF,544) lot 30
Quinton, David to W. Duer 1795 (1CF,579) lot 68
Ransier, John to E. Watson 1796 (1CR,279) lot 19
Ransier, John to T. Tillotson 1795 (2CF,8) lot 19
Ransier, John to T. Tillotson 1795 (2CF,203) lot 19
Reed, James to D. Hall 1797 (1CR,481) lot 89
Reese, Martin to J. Lowry 1792 (1CF,586) lot 75
Remson, Catharine, Joshua S., et al. to A. Wilson 1795 (2CF,139) lot 98
Robison, John to J. Van Rensselear 1795 (1CF,539) lot 27
Rogers, Charles P., Sarah to E. Clark 1795 (2CF,140) lot 81
Ryan, John to J. Schuyler et al. 1795 (1CR,267) lot 68
Ryan, John to D. Quinton 1795 (1CF,578) lot 68
Ryan, John to A. Maxwell 1798 (1CF,578) lot 68
Sacket, Augustus to J. B. Clarke 1797 (1CR,497) lot 66
Sackett, Elizabeth K., Samuel to R. Pixley 1798 (1CR,552) lot 78+
Sackett, Samuel to J. B. Clarke 1798 (1CR,583) lot 79
Sackett, Augustus to J. B. Clarke 1799 (1CF,599) lot 87
Savage, Barnet, Catharine to J. B. Clarke 1797 (1CR,500) lot 21
Sawyer, William to J. W. Watkins 1797 (1CR,423) lot 94
Shantz, Christian to W. W. Gale 1798 (1CF,581) lot 69
Shavelear, John to B. Lawrence 1794 (1CR,146) lot 22
Shavelear, John to E. Camp 1795 (1CF,530) lot 22
Shaw, Daniel, heir of John Shaw to J. B. Clark 1795 (1CF,574) lot 63
Sherwood, Nathan by Atty. et al. to J. Carpenter 1795 (2CF,39) lot 61+
Smith, Catharine, Samuel to C. P. Rogers 1795 (1CF,592) lot 81
Smith, Hannah, James R. et al. to J. Fisher 1796 (1CR,386) lot 33+
Smith, Isaac to J. Fisher 1796 (1CR,386) lot 41
Smith, John, Mary et al. to J. Oakley 1795 (1CF,554) lot 43
Smith, Wait to W. Bell 1798 (1CF,561) lot 52
Smith, Wait to J. Miller 1798 (1CF,561) lot 52
Spaulding, Asa to J. Purdy 1798 (1CF,534) lot 26
Sprague, John to J. D. Dickison et al. 1796 (1CR,308) lot 17
Springsteed, George to W. J. Vredenburgh 1795 (1CF,515) lot 10
Springsteen, George to J. Owen 1795 (1CF,514) lot 10
Stansbury, Jonas to I. Nicoll & ano. 1795 (1CR,232) lot 59
Stephenson, John to J. Chevalier 1799 (1CF,531) lot 22
Stevens, William to S. Holbrook et al. 1795 (1CR,171) lot 45
Stout, Philip & ano. to B. Livingston 1795 (1CF,545) lot 32
Taladay, John to S. Smith 1795 (1CF,591) lot 81
Ten Eyck, Abraham et al. to S. Messenger 1798 (1CR,561) lot 9
Ten Eyck, Abraham to J. Rodes 1799 (1CR,621) lot 59
Ten Eyck, Abraham & ano. to S. Messenger, Jr. 1795 (1CF,514) lot 9
Thayer, John to R. Ryan 1799 (1CF,600) lot 89
Thayer, John to J. Reed 1798 (1CF,601) lot 89
There, John to R. Ryan 1795 (1CF,600) lot 89
Thom, Stephen to C. Roe & ano. 1795 (1CF,591) lot 80
Tony, Samuel, Sabara to E. Gridley 1795 (1CF,563) lot 53
Torrey, Samuel, Sabara to E. Gridley 1795 (1CF,563) lot 64
Town, Joseph to T. Allen 1795 (1CF,603) lot 90
Townsend, Samuel to E. Hunter 1795 (2CF,112) lot 72
Towt, Robert, Sarah to J. J. Beekman 1796 (1CR,98) lot 7
Towt, Robert, Sarah to J. J. Beekman 1796 (1CF,510) lot 7
Troup, Robert to J. J. Aster et al. 1795 (2CF,128) lot 44
Tyler, Comfort to E. Caulkings 1796 (1CR,324) lot 36
Uthest, John, et al. to J. Van Rensselear 1795 (1CF,566) lot 55
Uthest, John et al. to J. Van Rensselear 1795 (1CF,567) lot 55
Van Alstine, Peter to S. Veeder & ano. 1795 (1CF,522) lot 12
Veeder, Simon to J. Judson 1792 (1CF,518) lot 12
Veeder, Simon to J. Judson 1795 (1CF,521) lot 12
Visscher, Mathew to Abel Owen 1791 (1CF,587) lot 76
Waggenmen, George to J. Quackenbos 1790 (1CF,540) lot 29
Waggenmen, George to M. O'Brien 1798 (1CF,540) lot 29
Walter, Martin by Atty. to S. Veeder 1795 (1CF,518) lot 12
Walter, Martin to S. Veeder 1795 (1CF,522) lot 12
Ward, Abijah to J. Town 1790 (1CF,602) lot 90
Ward, Abijah to H. I. Van Rensselaer 1790 (1CF,602) lot 90
Warner, Francis F. W. to C. Tripp 1794 (1CR,143) lot 33
Warren, Adam et al. to W. Thompson 1795 (1CR,239) lot 87
Watson, Elkanah of Albany to Joseph W. Gold of Pompey 1797 (1CR,477) lot 19
Watson, Elkanah to Isaac Carpenter 1795 (1CF,595) lot 83
Watkins, John W., Judith to W. Sawyer 1795 (1CF,606) lot 94
Weissenfels, Frederick to J. Van Rensselaer 1795 (1CR,251) lot 57
Wells, Israel to B. Wallace 1796 (1CR,362) lot 1
Wells, John to J. Johnston 1795 (1CR,511) lot 9
Wells, John by Atty. to E. Cumpston 1795 (1CF,512) lot 9
Wells, John to E. Cumpston 1799 (1CF,512) lot 9
Wilcox, John by Shff. to S. Bebee 1799 (A,114) lot 68
Wilcox, Samuel to J. Greenleaf 1796 (1CR,397) lot 30+
Willard, Ephraim to J. Dodd 1795 (1CF,536) lot 26
Williams, Nathaniel to J. Richardson 1798 (1CR,565) lot 28
Wilson, Abraham, Walter & Peter Ostrander and Catharine Wilson his wife, heirs of  Thomas Wilson to A. White et al. 1797 (1CR,513) lot 92
Wilson, Thomas to J. Banks 1795 (1CF,603) lot 92
Wood, Israel, Olly et al. to C. Thompson 1799 (A,99) lot 87
Wood, Walter to A. Hull 1794 (1CR,152) lot 60
Wood, Walter to D. Clarke 1798 (1CR,540) lot 52
Woodbridge, Dudley to M. DeWitt 1795 (1CF,559) lot 49
Woodmere, Cornelius to W. J. Vredenburgh 1795 (1CF,507) lot 2
Woodworth, John to Z. Tomlinson 1798 (1CR,563) lot 31
Wright, Edward by Atty. to E. Watson 1795 (1CR,201) lot 60
Wright, Edward to E. Willoughby et al. 1796 (1CR,293) lot 60
Wright, Edward to J. Sheldon 1795 (1CF,572) lot 60 P. of Atty.
Wright, Edward to J. Sheldon 1795 (2CF,204) lot 60

Submitted 12 May 1998