Syracuse Visiting Nurse Association

Text Source: Syracuse and Its Environs, by Franklin H. Chase, Lewis Historical Pub. Co., Chicago, IL, 1924, pg. 495.

The Syracuse Visiting Nurse Association, beginning March 3, 1890, was organized by the Inasmuch Circle of King's Daughters.  It was another of the city's fine philanthropies.  Its support came mostly from voluntary contributions.  It was located with the Free Dispensary at 208 and 407 South Warren Street, and again in the old homestead at Warren and Onondaga streets.  Later it was located in South Warren Street in the 600 block, and had added to its fine work the Visiting Nurse Baby Camp.

Submitted 12 March 2006 by Pamela Priest
Updated 14 March 2006 by Pamela Priest